Astronomy, tourism and music at UNISOCIETAT in November

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • November 5th, 2019
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Ontinyent, Gandia, Alzira, l’Eliana, Paterna, Requena, Benetússer, Cullera, Massamagrell, Quart de Poblet and Riba-roja de Túria are hosting this month conferences on multiple subjects. This free activity complements the academic year of UNISOCIETAT (University and Society) and is freely accessible to the rest of the citizens of each municipality and its environment.

The UNISOCIETAT cycle of conferences, which will continue monthly throughout this academic year until June, has been organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society, with the collaboration of the participating city councils and the economic support of Caixa Popular (in 9 centres), Caixa Ontinyent (in the Ontinyent headquarters) and Santander Bank (in Gandia).

These multidisciplinary talks given by UV Professors are a sample of the wide variety of disciplines and scientific areas collected by the Universitat de València.  This series of conferences were created with the aim of transferring knowledge to society, complementing the training of UNISOCIETAT students and encouraging citizens to join this university programme, which in the current academic year 2019-2020 has more than 1,700 students distributed among its 12 centres.

11 conferences in the territory during the month of November

The first conference of the month of November will be Wednesday, November 6th. The Benetússer City Council (Horta Sud) will host the conference by Ferran Suay (Department of Psychobiology), under the title Cervell d’home, cervell de dona: cervells humans (Man’s Brain, Woman’s Brain: Human Brains).    

On 7h November, at the Cultural Centre of Caixa Ontinyent (Vall d’Albaida) will host Enric Marco (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Faculty of Physics, UV) who will give the conference 50 anys de l’arribada a la Lluna (50th anniversary of first Moon Landing).

On 12th November, the Centre Municipal de Formación de Personas Adultas de l'Eliana (Camp de Túria) will be the setting for the conference given by Mª Dolores Corella (Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Food Sciences, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine Department, UV), who will give the conference Entenent la influència dels nostres gens als nostres patrons d’alimentació (Understanding the influence of our genes on our eating patterns).

On Thursday 14th November it will be the turn of Massamagrell (Horta Nord) and Riba-roja de Túria (Camp de Túria)  The Professor Ana Maria Botella (Department of Teaching of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression, UV) will be at the Cultural Centre of Massamagrell where she will give the lecture on Aproximació al món de l’òpera (Approach to the world of Opera).  On the same day, Enric Marco (Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Faculty of Physics, UV) will be on the Assembly Hall of the Social Centre of Riba-roja de Túria discussing 50 anys de l’arribada a la Lluna  (50th anniversary of first Moon Landing).

On Tuesday 19th November, the residents of Alzira (Ribera Alta) and the surrounding area will be able to attend the conference El Mediterrani enfront del canvi climàtic: fenòmens meteorològics extrems (The Mediterranean against climate change: extreme weather events), which will be offered at the Centre de Formació de Persones Adultes Enric Valor in Alzira by Professor Mª José Estrela (Geography, UV).

On Wednesday 20th November it will be the turn of Quart de Poblet (Horta Oest) and Gandia (La Safor).  Francisco Alcantud (Developmental and Educational Psychology Department, UV) will be at the Casa de la Cultura of Quart de Poblet discussing the  Trastorns de l'espectre de l'autisme: què és, com detectar i què fer? (Autism Spectrum Disorders: what it is, how to detect them and what to do?) The International Centre of Gandia will host Federico Pallardó (Physiology, UV) who will explain Els aliments influeixen als nostres gens.  Consells d’alimentació i hàbits de vida saludables. (Food influences our genes. Good tips and healthy lifestyle habits).

On Thursday 21 November, Professor Clara Martínez (Business Management 'Juan José Renau Piqueras', UV) will give the conference Gastronomia, una altra manera de fer turisme (Gastronomy, another way of tourism) in the Feliciano Antonio Yeves de Requena Cultural Space (Utiel-Requena).

On 26th November, at the Municipal Auditory of Cullera (Ribera Baixa), the Jazz: una història interminable (Jazz, a never-ending story) conference will take place by Vicent Lluís Fontelles (Department of Teaching of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression, UV) 

Finally, on 28th November, Professor Pura Peris (Department of Financial Law and Legal History, UV) will talk about Què sabem dels impostos? Desmontant mites i llegendes urbanes (What do we know about taxes? Dismantling myths and urban legends), at the Capri Theatre of Paterna (Horta)