Awareness about blood donation has started

  • Information and Promotion Service for Students - Blasco Ibáñez
  • February 25th, 2019
Estudiantes promotores de la donación de sangre 2019 en la fase de sensibilización.
Los estudiantes promotores inician la campaña de sensibilización para la donación de sangre.

The SeDi Information and Promotion Service, collaborating with the Transfusions Center of the Valencian Community has started up, for the fifth consecutive year, the awareness campaign for blood donation in the Universitat de València along with the promoter student body.

The enrolment for students is free and voluntary, and includes three phases: the first one, the education, responsibility of the Transfusions Center of the Valencian Community. The second one is participation, in which the student body is distributed among the different points of information around the campus of the Universitat de València. And the third, a direct cooperation to donate blood the assigned day. About one hundred students from the Universitat de València will join this initiative which aims to invite and inform as many people as possible about the importance of blood donation. The faculties of nursery, psychology, and law are the ones with the highest enrolment numbers.


From the 25th of February to the 1st of March, pedestrians that pass by the campus will be able to visit the information points that will be located on the streets, marked with a banner with the slogan “Dóna san, dona vida” (“Give blood, give life). The role of the collaborator students is to inform and to educate about blood donation and to address myths and false fears that people may have.  The phase of education and dissemination is essential for success in the third and last phase, the actual blood donation, which is planned on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of March, in the campus of Tarongers, Burjassot and Blasco Ibáñez, respectively.

The participating students who attend the three sessions of the program will receive an ECTS credit.

More information:

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