The presentation ceremony for the Spanish Wheelchair Rugby Championship was held

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • May 23rd, 2024
From left to right: Ana Mª Gómez, Cristina García Redondo and Gabriel Melis Sánchez.
From left to right: Ana Mª Gómez, Cristina García Redondo and Gabriel Melis Sánchez.

The Director of UVsports meets representatives of the other organising bodies in an event held at La Nau.

On Tuesday, 22 May, the presentation ceremony for the Spanish Wheelchair Rugby Championship by autonomous communities was held at La Nau building of the Universitat de València.

UVsports is one of the organisers of the championship, which will be held on 1 and 2 June 2024 at the Sports Centre of the Universitat de València (Avenida Menéndez y Pelayo, 19). 

Director of UVsports, Ana Mª Gómez Tafalla, met representatives of some of the co-organising entities at the event. Among them were Cristina García Redondo, player of the Lobos Quad Rugby Club, and Gabriel Melis Sánchez, president and technical director of the Federació d'Esports Adaptats de la Comunitat Valenciana (FESA: Parasports Federation). Other collaborating entities are the Consejo superior de Deportes (Superior Council of Sports), the Comisión Nacional Rugby en silla de Ruedas (National Wheelchair Rugby Commission), the Federación Española de Deportes de Personas con Discapacidad Física (FEDDF: Spanish Federation of Sports for People with Physical Disabilities) and the ONCE Foundation.

Five autonomous communities will participate in this 2024 edition of the Spanish Wheelchair Rugby Championship: Catalonia, Madrid, Andalusia, Aragon and the Valencian Community.

Admission to the UV Sports Centre is free on both days of the competition.

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