Continues the programme of Spring Concerts in the ‘Aula de Música’ of the Universitat de València

  • Musical Activities Department
  • April 16th, 2019
Interpretació de duet a la Capella de la Sapiència

The musical spring programme of the Universitat, organised by the ‘Aula de Música’, started the 3rd of April in the Cultural Centre La Nau with a clarinet and piano duo.

Along the next three months 15 concerts will be celebrated, most of which will start at 19:00 and will take place in the following spaces of the Universitat de València: the ‘Capella de la Sapiència’ of the Cultural Centre La Nau, the ‘Colegio Mayor Rector Peset’ and the Botanical Garden.

This evening, since 18:30, in the Seminari Room of La Nau, will take place the presentation of the didactic unit Matilde Salvador, where Roberto Garcia, Judit Gual, Susanna Marín and Joaquim Montañés will participate. Thus, the Muralla del Rector Peset Assembly Hall will gost the concert of Josep Ribera (violin) and Elisabeth Sirante (piano) as a part of the cycle of ‘Joves Intèrprets’.

Among the programmed concerts for this trimester stands out the activity ‘Música en familia’ proposed to approach musical interpretation to the public of all ages with the concert of the university choir Sant Yago, directed by Pau de Luis and Alba. This will take place on Sunday, the 26th of May in the Joan Plaça Auditorum in the Botanical Garden.

Furthermore, the programmes designed for the chamber music concerts continue following a line of support in the Valencian music, with a majority presence of Valencian interpreters.  It is the case of Marta Estal Vera, who will collaborate again with the Universitat with its concert on Tuesday, 4th of June in the Muralla Room, where she will be accompanied by the pianist Elisabeth Sirante.

The objective of this cycle is to approach music both to the academic community and the society in general, apart from bringing back the classic authors. On Wednesday, 19th of June, the cycle ‘Música a la Capella’ will conclude the programme with the trio formed by Àngela Edo and Javier Costa playing the cello and Kei Hikichi the piano.

This activity has been organised by the ‘Aula de Música’ with the collaboration of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València, the Equality Unit and the Valencian institute of culture.