Doctor Mar Rey will hold a conference in La Nau about women in science

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • April 17th, 2018
Imatge de la portada del llibre 'Evas alquímicas'.
Imatge de la portada del llibre 'Evas alquímicas'.

Doctor in Pharmacy Mar Rey Bueno will visit the Cultural Centre La Nau of the Universitat de València this Wednesday 18 April at 19:30h. She will give the conference “Of female genealogy or science among stews”, on the occasion of the publication of “Evas alquímicas” book. The conference is framed in the programme of activities of the Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives.

Botanic gardens, anatomy and alchemic laboratories were places of knowing and scenes where modern science gets born. The science as it is currently known, based on direct study and experimentation. This scenes were banned for women, but it does not mean that women did not experiment. The history of science have been written for and by men, but as time goes by, more women rewrite the history and look back to find models. This models are women who were systematically silenced and disappeared of the historical texts, but they were exist.

Doctor Rey will talk about women in the history of science or the “science among stews”, as Juana de Asbaje said. Asbaje was forced to shut herself in a Jerónimo novohispanic convent, because it was inconceivable that a woman were able to live alone, without matrimony. So, she was exclusively dedicated to her readings and writings.

Mar Rey Bueno is doctor in Pharmacy at the Complutense University of Madrid and she has awarded with an extraordinary prize of doctoral programme with a doctoral thesis dedicated to the therapeutic at the Austria’s court. Furthermore, she is specialised in magic and superstitious aspects in the modern age of Spain, and she is author of ten books. In August 2017, she was editor of Leonora 1917, especial monographic of the journal Studia Hermetica Journal, dedicated to mark the birth centenary of Leonora Carrington, British surrealist painter. Moreover, she has been the organizer of two international conferences: “Lastanosa, art and science in the Baroque” (Huesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, 2007) and ‘Chymia, Science and Nature in Early Modern Europe’ (San Lorenzo, El Real de El Escorial, 2008).

The European School of Thinking Lluís Vives is a cultural project, boosted by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality of the UV, with the management of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València, which is configured as a space for reflection and open, participatory and critical debate about current issues. The Escola also counts on the participation of other individuals of the Public administration and civil society: The President of the Valencian government, the City Hall of Valencia, the Valencian Department of Transparency and Education, Research, Culture and Sports, the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, the Alfons el Magnànim Institute, the Escola Europea d’Humanitats and the Caixa Popular.