The documentary Contra el No-Do (Against News and Documentaries) produced by Taller d’Audiovisuals wins Film-Rescue Prize of Memorimage 2019

  • Office of the Principal
  • November 11th, 2019

The documentary feature ‘Contra el No-Do, Llorenç Soler o la pulsión por la honestidad’ (Against No-Do, Llorenç Soler or the drive for honesty), a production of Taller d’Audiovisuals of Universitat de València (TAU), was awarded with Film-Rescue Prize for the best job file and documentation in the closing ceremony of Memorimage 2019-International Festival of Reus Theatre, which took place on Saturday, 9 November, at Bartrina Theatre of that city.

The documentary, directed by Albert Montón and with the executive production of Miquel Francés, who presented the screening, was awarded for accentuating the importance of the film maker’s figure, specialized in documentaries, Llorenç Soler.

The jury, consisted of Cine · Rescate Association members, highlighted in their verdict that Soler’s films “have given voice and image to anonymous people and social and political events, muted by the official statements, making sure that these images are part of the historic memory of our country”.

Against No-Do offers a review of the work and life of Llorenç Soler (València, 1936), a creative man, free and incorruptible that becomes in one of the precursors of independent documentary cinema in Spain in the 60’s. In the Franco’s Spain, the informative audio-visual speech was monopolized by TVE (Televisión Española - Spanish Television) and No-Do. Soler and other independent documentary cinema pioneers rebelled against this monolithic and authoritarian speech In this context, Soler, documentary maker almost by accident, becomes obsessed with giving voice to those who have never had the possibility of expressing, the land disowned and at the same time he becomes a great experimenter of film technique. Also, Soler has worked as documentary maker teacher, as well as from the point of view technical and stylistic to ethical and moral, influencing the next filmmaker generations.
