Dolçaines, tabalets and percussion in ‘Serenates’ at Plaza del Patriarca

  • July 7th, 2017
Dolçaines, tabalets i percussió en ‘Serenates’

On Friday, 7 July, there will be dolçaines, tabalets and percussion in the Serenates festival, which is organised by the Universitat de València and the Valencian Institute for Culture. Plaza del Patriarca will host the performance of groups of dolçaines and percussion of La Socarrà from Xátiva and the Universitat de València, which are directed by Pere Molina i Gonzàlez. This concert falls within the ‘Gran Fira de València’ thanks to the collaboration of the Counsellor for Festivities and Popular Culture of the Valencia city council. The concert will start at 22:30 and the entry is free.

Generally, the groups of dolçaines and tabals perform music at the street but in this occasion they will delight the audience with author music. In the first part they will play ‘Stàrracos’, by Carlos Pellicer Andrés (1971); ‘Un terròs d’argent’, by José Rafael Pascual-Vilaplana (1971) and ‘Raïm i fusta’, by Rafael Faus Uris (1966).

The second part will include: ‘Preludi’ by Ramon Garcia Soler (1971); ‘Somni andalús’, by Mario Roig Vila (1972); ‘Rosa dels vents’, by Antonio de la Asunción (1971) and ‘Tributo a Frank Sinatra’ by several authors.

La Colla de Dolçainers i Tabaleters ‘La Socarrà’ from Xàtiva, which is directed by Pere Molina i Gonzàlez, was officially born in 1996 summer. In 1997 they were officially registered as association and since then they have taken part in passacaglia, despertàs, processions, animations, correfocs and in Moors and Christians shows. They have taken part in different contests such as ‘Musicat’ in Algemesí and Altea, where they have been awarded with different prizes.

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, in May 2008 they produced an innovative show that was named ‘Stàrracos. X anys de la Colla La Socarrà’. This was performed for the first time in Gran Teatre de Xàtiva and then it was played in other towns achieving a great success among the audience and the critics. Last year, they presented the first recording under the same title ‘Stàrracos’.

‘La Socarrà’ has organised festivals and some group meetings and has performed with ‘Colla Malpassaet’ from Cocentaina, ‘Larraix’ from Campello and Pep Gimeno ‘Botifarra’, among others. During 2017 and 2018, the Colla will celebrate its 20th anniversary with several acts, concerts and shows.

In 2016, the Universitat de València started a new project with the aim of improving the training of its students in the interpreting of traditional Valencian music through a stable, representative and innovating grouping in the area of traditional music. Thus was born the ‘Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió de la Universitat de València’, under the direction of Juan Ramon Martí i Chulià, with the aim of becoming a stable musical ensemble, apart from being representative and innovative in the field of traditional music from an academic aspect. The Colla is made up by students of the Universitat de València and does a weekly rehearsal during the academic year.

Serenates has the support of the City Hall of Valencia (Councils of Cultural, Festivities and Youth), the Valencian Provincial Council, the Higher Institute of Artistic Teaching of the Valencian Community (ISEACV), The Valencian Academy of Language, the Bancaja Foundation, the Sabadell Bank Foundation and the French Institute of Valencia.