Empathy, music or climate change among the topics of the Unisociety-UV conference in April.

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • April 13th, 2021
Imagen de la noticia

The 12 Unisociety headquarters in Alzira, Benetússer, Bétera, Cullera, Gandia, l’Eliana, Massamarell, Ontinyent, Paterna, Quart de Poblet, Requena and Riba-Roja del Túria will host this university programme’s conferences during April, May and June. The conferences are in person and free access, until full capacity is reached, due to health safety reasons.

The UNISOCIETY, Spring 2021 conference cycle, which will continue monthly throughout the current academic year, has been organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society, with the sponsorship of Caixa Popular (in eleven HQ), Caixa Ontinyent (in the capital of La Vall d’Albaida) and the Diputació de València. In addition, this academic year 2020-2021 has incorporated the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency as a collaborating entity.

Around ten lecturers will be taking part during April, with different topics ranging from music to climate change effects, from psychobiology to history, physical activity, or the inclusive use of language. Thus, reflecting once more the universal knowledge character of the University of Valencia.

Lecturer Emilio Barba (Department of Microbiology and Ecology. UV) will give the conference Effects of Climate Change on European Bird Populations on 13th of April in the new space of the Sociocultural Centre of L’Eliana.

The Cultural Centre of Quart de Poblet will host the conference The Conflict between Silk Industry and Commercial Agriculture in 18th Century Valencia on 14th April. It will be given by Ricardo Franch (Contemporary and Modern History. UV).

We Should All Be Feminists: Strategies for an Inclusive Use of Language is the title of the conference to be given by lecturer Gora Zaragoza (English and German. UV) on the 14th April at the auditorium of Benetússer’s Town Hall. The conference Finance System and Covid-19, by Lecturer Jaume Martí Miravalls (Mercantile Law), will be also held in this municipality of the Horta Sud region on 28th April.  

This month lecturer Luis Moya (Psychobiology. UV) will give his conference Empathy, Understanding it to Understand Others in two Unisociety HQ: at the Cultural Centre of Massamagrell, on the 15th; and at the Capri Theatre of Paterna, on the 23th of April.

In Cullera, specifically at the municipal auditorium ‘El Mercat’, Mar Bernabé (Teaching of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression. UV) will give the conference Music: Science, Art and Therapy on 19th April.

In Alzira, lecturer Francisco Fuste (Contemporary and Modern History. UV) will focus on the Generation of ‘98: Realty and Myth on 20th April, at the ‘Enric Valor’ Adult Education Centre of the capital of la Ribera Alta.

The Practice of Physical Activity in Adult People will be the topic to be addressed by Vicente Añó (Physical and Sports Education. UV) on 22th April at the San Nicolás Temple of Requena.

The capital of La Vall d’Albaida will host the conference Science and Cuisine, which will be given by lecturer Salvador Garrigues (Analytical Chemistry. UV) on 22nd April at the Ontinyent Campus.

Finally, Riba-Roja del Túria will host the conference Extinctions in the History of Life by Carlos Martínez (Botany and Geology. UV) on 29th April at the Social Centre of the municipality of El Camp de Túria.

The UNISOCIETY-UV conference programme is an initiative of the University of Valencia that facilitates the transference of academic knowledge in different Valencian territories, and is aimed at any inhabitant with cultural interests.