Escena Erasmus brings closer the refugee tragedy to 18 Valencian villages in the form of circus show

  • May 23rd, 2016
'El circ de la frontera’, by Escena Erasmus.

Twelve Erasmus actors and actresses will dramatise the refugee tragedy through the language of circus-theatre. For the fourth consecutive year, the European theatre project Escena Erasmus of the Universitat de València, European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2011 of the European Parliament, has set up ‘Les Europes Menudes’, a programme produced between the Universitat de València and the Culture Section of the Valencian Council.

Under the title ‘El circ de la frontera’ (‘The circus of the border’), the new show examines the external policies of the European Union, it takes the spectator to the borders of Europe where people are blurred, where there it is suffered a feverish activity and an unceasing waiting.

In the elaboration of this show there have participated seven Valencian playwrights of several generation and styles: Manuel Molins, Maribel Bayona, Jacobo Pallarés, Guada Sáez, Mertxe Aguilar, Daniel Tormo and Anna Marí. Furthermore, the latter signs the stage direction. In addition to the playwrights, more than 10 professionals of Valencian performing arts have participated in the show. 

The show ‘El circ de la frontera’ is the core activity of ‘Les Europes Menudes’, a cultural programme that expects to establish bridges of dialog between the local Valencian realities and twelve European cities represented by the actors. Apart from the theatre, at the different municipalities there are activities organised in order to strengthen the intercultural encounter and the reflection on the way of being European with different local collectives. 

This year the villages of the tour have tripled
This year, the show will visit 18 Valencian towns: Valencia, Ademuz, Villar del Arzobispo, Riba-Roja de Túria, Ontinyent, Quart de Poblet, Fontanars dels Alforins, Camporrobles, Alfarp, Macastre, Vallada, Emperador, L’Eliana, Llanera de Ranes, Requena, Polinyà de Xúquer, Cofrents and Ròtova. 

Moreover, the show ‘El circ de la frontera’ will be part of the official programme of the Performing Arts Festival of Valencia ‘Tercera Semana’. In any case, the number of towns can increment. 

All the details about the project and this year tour have been presented in a press conference that took place at La Nau and had the participation of the Vice-Principals Antonio Ariño (Culture and Equality), Guillermo Palao (International Relations) and Jorge Hermosilla (Territorial Projection); the Culture deputy of the Valencian Council, Xavier Rius, and the co-director of Escena Erasmus, Anna Marí. During their interventions, all of them have agreed on highlighting the collective character of this project, that is the reason why different Offices of the Vice-Principal and the Valencian Council took part, in addition to the commitment that constitutes to bring closer the European values through theatre. 

The Universitat de València is the second European university in incoming Erasmus students and the fourth in Europe in outgoing students. 

The first release of the show ‘El circ de la frontera’ will take place on 25, 26 and 27 May at the Matilde Salvador Hall of the Cultural Centre of the Universitat de València at 19:30 hours. The dates of every town and the activity programme will be available on the webpage