The Executive Council visits the Faculty of Law

  • Office of the Principal
  • October 28th, 2019
Imagen de la noticia

The Faculty of Law was visited by numerous members of the Executive Council who met with the Dean's team, directors of the different departments and members of the Administrative and Service Staff (PAS), with the aim of getting to know the needs and concerns of the centre.

The Principal of the Universitat, Maria Vicenta Mestre, made an official visit to the Faculty of Law, accompanied by the General Secretary of the Universitat, Maria Elena Olmos; the Vice-Principal for Economy, Justo Herrera; the Vice-Principal of Studies and Language Policy, Isabel Vázquez; the Vice-Principal for Academic Regulations and Teaching Staff, Ernest Cano; the Vice-Principal for Research, Carlos Hermenegildo; the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer, María Dolores Real; the Vice-Principal for Strategy, Quality and Information Technologies, Ximo Aldás; the Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability, Elena Martínez; and the Institution Manager, Juan Vicente Climent.

The Principal has highlighted the current issue of infrastructure and the preparation of an Infrastructure Plan for the Tarongers Campus, “key issue in this faculty as it has grown in undergraduate and graduate degrees, keeping in mind also the increasing the number of students in the Master’s Degree in Law Practice,” said Mestre.  She also emphasised that the Faculty of Law has seen the promotion of its professors improving, congratulating the new women professors.

The Dean of the Faculty of Law, Javier Palao, who thanked the Executive Council for its willingness to listen and discuss the needs and concerns of the faculty, pointed out that, given the continued growth of the Institutional Chairs, “we need to strengthen their management” and “we need to improve the practical agreements of our students”.

During the meeting, the need to implement the double degree of Law-Economy was also discussed, and the commitment to the Master's Degree in Political Science was welcomed.

The Executive Council has taken up the concerns underlining “that we are aware and are working on many of the issues addressed, always within the lack of funding and financial constraints that we suffer from the Universitat”.

On the other hand, the visit seized to inaugurate the Faculty's website on research, developed by members of the Faculty's PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and PAS(Administrative and Service Staff) in collaboration with the Web and Marketing Unit of the Universitat.  This innovative microsite was created with the aim of providing the centre's researchers with their own exclusive space in which they can disseminate and give visibility to the projects and actions carried out, as well as facilitating the obtaining of resources such as grants or scholarships to continue with their projects.

In addition, the occasion has been used to inaugurate the portrait of the former Dean of the Faculty of Law, Carmen Alborch, in the Department of Mercantile Law.  As noted at the inauguration, the idea is to extend this action to other prominent faculty figures as it will allow new students to meet important members who have been academic teachers at the centre.

Finally, a meeting took place with the PAS of the Faculty of Law.   The administrator of the Faculty, José Vicente Zafra, has valued the work of the workers of the PAS of the Faculty and has exposed the important effort that they develop, remarking that they were pioneers in the implantation of the integral electronic matriculation commenting the current situation of the staff of PAS of the Faculty.

PAS colleagues highlighted the volume of work in the centre departments and the need to strengthen the templates to cope with this workload, as well as the selective and yardstick processes. On the other hand, Juan Puchol, senior technician in administrative management at the Faculty, presented the Secretariat Improvement Plan, reaffirming the centre's desire to implement a culture of quality in the management of the Faculty's economic and administrative services, with the aim of achieving ISO quality certification.  PAS staff thanked the rector and a large part of the Executive Council for their visit, as well as for the interest shown in learning about their concerns and objectives.

The Principal and the members of the Executive Council have finally been able to see the Libro de Decanos (Book of Deans) in the Mariano Peset Room.