Experts on environmental protection meet in Valencia to launch the Bioclimate Network

  • Science Park
  • May 13th, 2024
A photo of the conference

The Bioclimate Network monitors the impact of climate change on biodiversity and has gathered environmentalists to raise awareness. Its focus is on studying the response of biodiversity to climate change in several terrestrial ecosystems in the Valencian territory. The Bioclimate Network is led by the Desertification Research Centre (CIDE), the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), the Universitat de València (UV) and the Valencian Government (GVA).

In the current climate context, it is essential to provide information on the evolution of biodiversity, in order to establish new preventive measures and to face new challenges against the progress of climate change. The Bioclimate Network regularly monitors changes in species composition in typical Valencian habitats, changes in vegetation rhythms and phenology (the study of biological phenomena related to seasonal changes), among others.

The project will be carried out using a validated methodology that can be exported to other territories. And it will provide information to global biodiversity monitoring networks, which will allow compliance with several international agreements on biodiversity and climate change. For example, the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy of the Valencian Community or the Spanish Strategic Plan for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity for 2030. The monitoring information is stored and freely accessible in the Biodiversity Database of the Valencian Government.

In addition, the project has launched the Bioclima app to collect data on phenology —flowering process, leaf loss, etc.—. This information is stored in the Biodiversity Database of the Valencian Government and will be accessible to both for scientists and citizen science.

The aim of the conference is to be a meeting point between researchers, technicians and public administrators concerned with the environment. It was also an opportunity to showcase the progress of the Bioclimate Network and its applicability to public policy.

The network is led by the Desertification Research Centre (CIDE), and co-funded by the Biodiversity Foundation, the Valencian Government (GVA) and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). The Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Aigua, Infraestructures i Territori (Valencian Department of Environment, Water, Infraestructures and Territory), through the Centre for Forestry Research and Experimentation (CIEF) and Natural Parks of the Valencian Community, have also collaborated.

About CIDE

The Desertification Research Centre (CIDE) is a mixed public scientific research centre, jointly owned by the CSIC, the Universitat de València and the Valencian Government. Since its beginnings, the CIDE has worked to provide knowledge and share the importance of environmental issues with society. It specifically aims at raising awareness of the potential risk and impact of desertification and climate change on ecosystems and human beings, by contributing to the protection of the environment. The CIDE has pioneered in the study of desertification in Europe and has a extensive experience in the study of soil erosion, water and Mediterranean ecosystems.

About CIEF

The Centre for Forestry Research and Experimentation (CIEF)’s work focuses on solving problems related to the management of forest systems and to the preservation of wild vegetation, as well as promoting the cooperation between universities, research centres and technology centres. The CIEF has germplasm banks and tree nurseries. It also acts as a resource centre and technical support for research projects, as well as a link for environmental communication and knowledge transfer.