Experts in Law and sexual violence will discuss about the ‘Only yes means yes’ law in the 25N acts of the Universitat

  • Equality Unit
  • November 23rd, 2022
Poster with the experts that will talk
Poster with the experts that will talk

The institutional act that, on the occasion of the 25 November, International day for the elimination of violence against women, is organised by the Universitat de València. It will be held on Wednesday 23 November at 12h in the Faculty of Law and it is focused on the Organic Law 10/2022, of 6 September, of full warranty for sexual freedom. It is a law that came into force on 7 October and that forces to implement coordinated policies so as to guarantee sensitivity, prevention and detection, as well as the penalty and full protection of sexual violence in all its forms.


It is expected the participation of the full university professor of Criminal Law and deputy secretary-general of the Universitat de València, Paz Lloria, as well as the lecturer of Sociology of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Esmeralda Ballesteros who is the representative of the work group for the study of sexual violence, SEXVIOL. In the act will participate Leticia Meyaro, psychologist and criminologist and collaborator with the Centre for Assistance for Victims of Sexual Violence and will be moderated by Sonia Rodríguez de Llamas, lecturer of Civil Law and chief of Initiatives in Prevention on Gender Violence in the Universitat de València.




Amelia Tiganus will talk about prostitution in Psychology


The acts on occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women have started this month of November in the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication with the conference: ‘Where are women?’ ‘Literature and activism against gender violence’ by Angela di Matteo of the Università di Roma TRE and have continued in the same faculty the day 18 with a talk for “Contemporary Italian Writers’, under the supervision of Francismo Ardolino of the Universitat de Barcelona. The activities planned in the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication will last until the month of December with talks such as ‘Gender and historic memory from a photojournalism and research scope’, under the responsibility of the photojournalist Eva Mañez or the act on the same day 25 November: LETTERS AGAINST VIOLENCE: choice and lecture of literary texts by the students of several degrees that will take place continuously during the morning.


Until the 21 November, it is open the participation to the Premios+Dones 2022 awards of the School of Engineering. It is awarded the best idea for giving visibility to women of the STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), giving example to our students, reducing the female studies dropout rates and encouraging the creation of support networks.


The writer and activist who is a survivor of the trafficking in women, Amelia Tiganus, will give a conference: “Prostitution, trauma and psychotherapy: effects on mental health”, in the faculty of Psychology on 24 November at 12:30h. On the same day, but in the afternoon, at 18:30h in the Faculty of Social Sciences, the full professor of Sociology, Antonio Ariño, will present his book, “Prostitution in the Comunitat Valenciana: A sociologic approach”.


Concerts, documentaries and exhibitions form the activities program of the Universitat de València on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.