The festival ‘Serenates’ organised by the UV and the Valencian Institute for Culture celebrates the 30th anniversary

  • June 12th, 2017
Grup Festival Serenates

The festival ‘Serenates’, which is coproduced by the Universitat de València and the Valencian Institute for Culture, will take place from 24 June to 9 July with a special commemoration: the 30th anniversary of its birth. Three decades since the birth of the idea of employing the Cloister of UV´s historical building as a setting for offering the Valencian public a summer music festival. The festival´s programme is largely dedicated to music created and performed by Valencian musicians.

It has been really successful since the beginning and every year there are more collaborators: the City Hall of Valencia (Councils of Cultural, Festivities and Youth), the Valencian Provincial Council, the Higher Institute of Artistic Teaching of the Valencian Community (ISEACV), the Valencian Academy of Language, the Bancaja Foundation, the Sabadell Bank Foundation and the French Institute of Valencia.

This Monday, the 2017 edition has been presented in a press conference held in the Cultural Centre La Nau, with the participation of all the organizer entities and the intervention of the vice-principal for Culture and Equality, Antonio Ariño; the general director of the Valencian Institute for Culture, Abel Guaniros; the president of the Palau de la Música, Glòria Tello and the counsellor for Festive Culture, Pere Fuset.

In the 2017 edition there will be 12 concerts as last year and the last four concerts are a co-production of ‘Serenates’ with the ‘July Festival’ (thanks to the cooperation of the Counsellor for Festivities and Popular Culture of the Valencia city council) in three concerts which will be performed in the Patriarca Square (between 7 and 9 July). All the concerts will be celebrated at 22.30. The entry can be acquired through the webpage: It won’t be necessary a previous reservation for the ones which are programmed in the framework of the ‘July Festival’.

The festival will start on 24 June with the first release of a special production for ‘Serenates’ of the ballets ‘Parade’, of Erik Satie, and ‘Les biches’, of Francis Poulenc, represents by the students of the Superior School of Dance and the Philharmonic Orchestra of the UV. More than 200 students of Arts Higher Education (music, dance, wardrobe, staging, audio-visual, personal image...) have taken part in, thanks to the collaboration of ISEACV with the Universitat de València and under the musical direction of Hilari Garcia and artistic direction of Maribel Bayona. The representations will take place the days 24 and 25 June.

On Monday 26, the Choir of the Valencian Government, directed by Jordi Blanch, will give the concert ‘Música de hombres con voz de mujer’.

On the 27 June, the Valencian band Capella de Ministrers, which specializes in the revival of historical music directed by Carles Magraner will play ‘La ruta de la seda’.

On the 28 June, the Orfeó Universitari de València, which celebrates the 70th anniversary this year, will play two pieces, ‘Stabat Mater’ (1876) of A. Dvorák and ‘Lachrimae’, which was written by the Valencian composer Francisco Coll for the Orfeó in the framework of the Artistic Residences Project that was started in 2014.

On the 29 June the Valencia Orchestra, directed by Albert Gonzálvez, will perform pieces of S. Prokofiev, P. Dukas and C. Debussy for the benefit of the Spanish Association against Cancer.

On Friday 30, the voice of Amancio Prada will liven up the night of Serenates with ‘Sonetos del amor oscuro, canciones y gacelas de Federico García Lorca’. Three years after of its performance in this festival, he returns to La Nau with the poems of the poet from Granada.

On Saturday 1 July, Capella i Escolania of the Misteri d’Elx will perform at the Cloister of La Nau this exceptional sample of the medieval theatre which is recognised by UNESCO as a master piece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2001.

Between 6 and 9 July, the programming of ‘Serenates’ is coproduced with the ‘July Festival’ and it adopts a more popular and folk character. The first concert will be the 6 at the Cloister but the rest will take place at the Patriarca Square. It will be a concert of the group Danses del Corpus de Valencia. The entry to all concerts is free.

On 7 the groupsof dolçaines, tabalers and percussion of La Socarrà and the Universitat de València,which are directe by Pere Molina i Gonzàlez, will act.

On 8 July it will be the turn of Sociedad Musical Santa María Magdalena de Novelda, directed by Juan José Cuenca, with a programme of festive music.

The singer-songwriter from Alcúdia, Jonatan Penalba, will close the festival on Sunday 9 with ‘De so ca-rel’.

The foreseen participation in these 12 concerts consists of as many as 980 performers, 716 of which are young people (younger than 26 years old), more than a 70% of the total. Another remarkable and important fact for the festival is that all artists and groups, except from Amancio Prada, are from Valencia and that the half of the musical programmes consist of Valencian music.

Throughout the years, many musical works have been performed at the festival, or have been rescued from centuries of oblivion in various musical archives in Valencia; what’s more, many Valencian bands have debuted in the festival, since the festival has become a platform for the promotion and circulation of one of the most treasured cultural values of Valencia: music. The festival programme has been diverse with regard to musical genres: from Renaissance until contemporary and music band premieres.

The tickets to the festival can be purchased starting this Tuesday, the 13th of June, on the website:

The complete programme: