The first university workshop linking cultural heritage and Agenda 2030 in Valencia

  • UV General Foundation
  • April 13th, 2018
Centro Histórico de València. Foto: Ximo Revert.
Centro Histórico de València. Foto: Ximo Revert.

The UNESCO Chair of Development Studies of the Universitat de València has organised the workshop “Valencia ODS”, form 25 April to 6 June. This is a pioneering initiative at the university level that provides training for students to recognise the cultural and scientist heritage of the University and the city as witnessed of the input of the Valencian culture for development and human rights over the centuries.

It is about the first university workshop with the aim of linking cultural heritage and Agenda 2030. It stops at each one of the 17 Objectives of Sustainable Development that presents the Valencian academic institution heritage as much as the city of Valencia.

The course will take place from 25 April to 6 June every Wednesday in evening schedule. The course consists of 50 hours theoretic/practical, on-site learning and virtual. Moreover, it is accredited by Lifelong Learning Service and Educational Innovation of the Universitat de València.

“The workshop aims for the organisation of routes created by the same registered as a teaching tool for applying at the orientation of academic research and education, in order to contribute to create a global citizenship at the University”, explain from the course direction Ximo Revert and José Miguel Soriano.

The workshop “Valencia ODS” is organised from the Cooperation Area of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València and takes part of an educational project for the development and it is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and Valencia city council.

The places are limited and the registration is opened until 23 April. It can register in the website


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