The full university professor of the Universitat de València, Antonio Briz, member of the Cuban Academy of Language

  • Press Office
  • June 12th, 2018
Antonio Briz.
Antonio Briz.

Antonio Briz Gómez, full university professor of the Department of Spanish Philology of the Universitat de València, has been appointed a member of the Cuban Academy of the Language. The institutional act is scheduled for January, during an international seminar that will be celebrated in La Habana.

Antonio Briz is a director of the research team Val.Es.Co., dedicated to the study of the spoken language and corpus linguistic. This year it is the 25th edition. Throughout his academic career, the professor Briz has studied the Spanish pragmatics and colloquial conversation. He is one of the pioneers researchers in this field in the set of Hispanic linguistic studies. He has led more than 20 doctoral theses at the Universitat de València and other European and American foreign universities.

The new academic has also led a number of competitive research projects at the national level. And he has participated in others as collaborator researcher, developing an intense work of scientific activity in all cases.
He has been coordinator at the Universitat de València in the research team of spoken language in the framework of the Modernisation Project of the Legal Language, supported by the Ministry of Justice, combining its research leadership tasks with the organisation of numerous renowned scientific congresses and events in the Universitat de València and other Spanish universities.

He is member of the editorial board of international publications and journals (Oralia, Iberoamericana Vervuert, RILCE, Colección Lingüística EUNSA, Onomazein, LEA, Discurso y Sociedad, Caracol, Programa EDICE, etc.).

In addition to his speeches as a lecturer and visiting professor in many of the Spanish universities, his international projection has made him a visiting professor in many countries where he has given lectures or specialised courses related to his research activity (Brazil, Germany, Italy, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway, Mexico, Romania, China, Austria, Belgium, Russia, etc.).