Great response during the Blood Donation Promotion Week at the Universitat de València

  • Information and Promotion Service for Students - Blasco Ibáñez
  • March 12th, 2020
Promotors i promotores de la donació de sang / Sedi
Promoters of blood donation / Sedi

More than 700 people have donated blood during the Donation Promotion Week at the Universitat de València, an awareness initiative in which the student body collaborate as promoters in the university community.

By campus, 260 people have donated blood in Burjassot, 182 in Tarongers and 280 in Blasco Ibáñez. It is necessary to highlight, also, that it was the first time for 236 donors thanks to this activity, organised by the SeDi Information and Promotion Service in collaboration with the Centro de Transfusión de la Comunidad Valenciana (Centre of blood transfusions of the Valencian community). These figures have been very positively evaluated by both organisers because, since the beginning of the initiative in 2012, they have surpassed all records. For example, the number of new donors almost triples that of last year's edition. And, more important is, as the Centro de Transfusión has highlighted, that 'it makes possible to arise awareness and to educate the university community' and 'involve the Universitat de València in a daily challenge.' 

The awareness campaign has allowed nearly seventy students from the Universitat to receive specialized training, which has provided them with the tools and skills necessary to learn how blood donation works and to be able to solve any doubts that potential donors may have. Then, and under the slogan "One donation, three lives", these students have collaborated as promoters at the information points of the Blood Donation Promotion Week installed at the campuses, disseminating the importance of this gesture that does not present any risk and that can save the lives of many people. Finally, during the first week of March, donation have taken place at the campuses. 

It is necessary to remember that, throughout the year, the Centro de Transfusión de la Comunidad Valenciana visits the campuses of the Universitat de València to encourage blood donation by the members of the university community.