Greenwashing, post-pandemic conflict management or depopulation, to be discussed in the Unisocietat conferences

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • October 30th, 2020
Imagen de la noticia

The 12 headquarters of the Universitat de València’s programme, Unisocietat, held conferences throughout October. The city councils that host this complementary activity of Unisocietat’s academic year guarantee the application of the health safety protocol.

Medicine and Biology have been the main subjects of the conferences in Benetússer and Gandia. In the assembly hall of the City Council of Benetússer, professor Isabel Fariña (Cellular Biology, Functional Biology and Physical Anthropology Department) focused her lecture on the possibility of repairing the human brain. In the International Centre of Gandia, Ana Lluch (Medicine) gave her conference ‘Innovation and inversion in cancer therapies. High-precision medicine in the approach to breast cancer’.

Contemporary history was the main topic of the lectures in Cullera and l’Eliana. In Cullera’s Municipal Auditorium, professor Xavier Costa (Sociology and Social Anthropology) gave the speech ‘White Terror is still inside us: social trauma, sociability and unresolved grief. The place of education’. The Municipal Adult Training Centre of l'Eliana embraced the lecture ‘Defeated republicans: from French refugee camps to Mauthausen-Gusen’, in charge of Mar Baldó (Modern and Contemporary History).

In the Theatre Capi of Paterna, professor José Cantó (Didactics of Experimental and Social Sciences) held the lecture ‘Is there anybody? The search of science to discover extraterrestrial life’; and in Riba-Roja de Túria, specifically in the Assembly Hall of the town’s Social Centre, he gave the speech ‘Horoscopes, astrology and other lies: the danger of pseudosciences’.

Depopulation was the main topic of the conference given by professor Javier Esparcia (Geography) at the Feliciano Antonio Yeves Cultural Space.

At the Casa de la Cultura in Quart de Poblet, professor Vicente Añó (Physical and Sports Education) addressed the practice of physical activity in adults.

At the Massamagrell Culture Centre, the conference ‘Will we ever vote through the Internet or is open government something else?’ was scheduled and in charge of Joaquín Martín Cubas (Constitutional Law, Political Science and Administration).

This October, professor Virginia Pardo gave the lectureInnovative methods for post-pandemic conflict management: police mediation at the Adult Education Centre ‘Enric Valor’.

El Marketing  fue  la temática de la conferencia el Centro Cultural de Caixa Ontinyent, donde la profesora Walesska Schlesinger (Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados. UV) construyó su discurso en torno al título ¿Todo lo verde es eco? ¿El greenwhashing o lavado verde sigue enamorando a los consumidores?

Marketing was the main theme of the conference which took place in the Cultural Centre of Caixa Ontinyent, where professor Walesska Schlesinger (Marketing and Market Research. UV)’s discourse evolved around the title Is everything green an echo? Does greenwashing still appeal to consumers?’.

Cycle of conferences UNISOCIETAT, Autumn-Winter 2020-2021

These conferences are given by the Universitat de València’s lecturers and are a sample of the wide range of fields and scientific areas covered by the UV. The purpose of these lectures is to complement the academic courses of the UNISOCIETAT programme. There are 100 conferences scheduled, which will go on monthly throughout the current academic year in the 12 headquarters: Alzira, Bétera, Benetússer, Cullera, l’Eliana, Massamagrell, Paterna, Quart de Poblet, Requena, Riba-roja de Túria, Gandia (under the designation of Unimajors) and Ontinyent (with the collaboration of Caixa Ontinyent).

The Unisocietat’s cycle of conferences was organized by the office of the Territorial Protection and Society Vice-Principal, with the sponsorship of Caixa Popular (in eleven headquarters), Caixa Ontinyent (in the capital of the Vall d'Albaida) and the Valencia Regional Council. Furthermore, this course has been included as a collaborative entity in the Anti-Fraud Valencian Agency.

The entire programme of the cycle of conferences ‘Unisocietat, Autumn-Winter 2020-2021’ can be consulted in here.