High school and bachillerato students debate about country borders

  • Information and Promotion Service for Students - Blasco Ibáñez
  • February 11th, 2019
Participants lliga debat
Participants en la Lliga de Debat de secundària i batxillerat 2017

From February 13 to February 16, the Sedi holds the High School and Bachillerato Debate League at the Universitat de València. This competition is supported by the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats and the collaboration of the Federació Escola Valencia. This year, 85 students will participate and debate the following issue 'Are borders between countries necessary?'.

The Lliga de Debat de secundària i batxillerat, high school and bachillerato Debate League, is a competition between teams who debate controversial matters. This activity has been designed as a training space in which students learn to speak in public, work in groups and defend a matter (whether they are for or against it) using Valencian as lingua franca.

The following teams will compete in the 2019 edition: IES Enrique Tierno Galván (Montcada), La Nostra Escola Comarcal (Picassent), IES Guadassuar, Col·legi Mare de Deu Olivar II (Alaquàs), IES Josep Segrelles (Albaida), IES la Foia (Ibi), Florida Secundària (Catarroja), Escola La Masia (Museros), IES Porçons (Aielo de Malferit), Col·legi Maria Auxiliadora (Algemesí), Escola Les Carolines (Picassent), IES Isabel de Villena (Valencia), IES Abastos (València), Col·legi Nuestra Señora de Fátima (Valencia), IES Sant Vicent Ferrer (Algemesí), IES Josep de Ribera (Xàtiva) and IES Ramon Llull (Valencia). 17 teams are participating, which is one of the highest participation rates of all of the editions which have taken place at the Universitat de València.

The jury that will evaluate the inverventions of the young students is formed by: Carme Gregori (Department of Catalan); José Antonio García (Department of Political Legal Philosophy; Raquel Vanyó (Department of International Law); Pilar García Vidal (Department of Language and Literature Teaching) and Nelson Seguí, Paulina Ribera and Vicent Moreno, members of the Escola Valenciana.

The local phase finals will take place on Saturday, 16th of February, at the Matilde Salvador Hall in the Centre Cultural la Nau. The winning team will represent the Universitat de València in the final phase of the Debate League, which will take place at the Universitat Abat Oliba CEU in Barcelona, from April 3rd to April 5th, 2019.