Ignacio Ramos, honoured as Knight of the Order of Academic Palms by the French government

  • Press Office
  • October 4th, 2022
Ignacio Ramos Gay
Ignacio Ramos Gay

Ignacio Ramos Gay, full professor of French philology of the Universitat de València, will be appointed Knight of the Order of Academic Palms of the French Republic on October 5th. This distinction recognises the contribution of professor Ramos to the French culture international dissemination and will be awarded in a ceremony that will take place in La Nau. The act will occur at 13.30pm and will be presided, on behalf of the French Ministry of Education, by Éric Tallon, who is the director-general of the French Institute of Spain and Cultural Counsellor; and by Maxime Henri-Rousseau, the director of the French Institute in Valencia.

It was created in 1808 by Napoleon with the aim of honouring the most distinguished members of the University of Paris. Over the years, it became one of the main institutional recognitions for those who promote French education and culture.

Ignacio Ramos graduated in French and English philology by the Universitat de València with an award with special distinction in both degrees and with a doctorate award with special distinction in Philology. Besides, he started as a research grantholder in the UV. After a career in teaching in the University of Castilla-La Mancha for six years, since 2010 he is a member of the French and Italian Philology Department in the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València. For over twenty years, the professor Ramos has conducted a powerful research work in the field of French literature. He used to be a French embassy grantholder, a Fulbright researcher and a manager of the Spanish Research Agency. However, he has now specialised in historiography of contemporary French theatre and in the relationships between the text and the staging.