International seminar on inmigrant’s work and the transformations of the winegrowing regions

  • July 6th, 2016
Poster of the seminar

'Migration and Labour Markets in Wine-Growing Regions. A Trans-Atlantic Gaze' is the title of the international seminar which takes place on the 7 and 8 of July in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universitat de València. The initiative is organised by 'Proyecto Conacyt 182648. The expansion of wine-growing regions and inmigrant’s work. A comparative study of the US and Spain'.

The seminar has the support of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the Universitat de València.

The opening session, on Thursday at 10am, will be followed by a session on ‘Global tendencies and structural factors which affect the wine-growing regions’. Eladio Arnalte, full university professor of Agricultural Economics in the Universitat Politècnica de València; and Francisco J. Medina, professor of the Universitat de València.

All information about the seminar can be found by clicking here.