The International University Tournament Zabalki today in Pamplona

  • March 23rd, 2017

Pamplona will be holding the International University Tournament Zabalki today. The trainer of the frontenis team of the Universitat de València, Cristina Ortiz, will bring their best ones after playing the qualifying rounds in which 10 pairs participated in both categories male and female.

Last Zabalki, Ortiz’s male pair won the tournament and her girls came back home having reached the second position. This year, Víctor Molina and Jorge Castro will be playing frontenis in the male category and Andrea Micó and Blanca Silvestre in the female category. In Paleta, Trinquet and in the modality of Trinquet Paleta Rubber, Carlos Domínguez and Vicent Giner will represent the Universitat.

The trainer is really going for it: “Our athletes are high level and we will win both categories in frontenis”, she stated.