The journalist Javier Tolentino presents his book ‘Disculpen que les hable de la radio’, at La Nau

  • April 27th, 2017

‘Disculpen que les hable de la radio’, the book of Javier Tolentino published together by the Valencian publisher Ediciones Canibaal and Ocho y Medio (Madrid) will be presented tomorrow Friday 28 April at 11:00 in the Aula Magna of the Cultural Centre La Nau of the Universitat de València.

Javier Toledino is one of the most famous film critics not only in Spain but also in the Spanish-speaking countries. The director of ‘El séptimo vicio’, the mythical cinema programme of Radio 3, is also one of those who stands out for his social and cultural commitment and for his magnificent capacity for analysis. He is graduate in Information Sciences by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The author of ‘El cine que me importa’ (The cinema that matters to me) (Larousse, 2014) and now of ‘Disculpen que les hable de la radio’ (Sorry for talking about the radio) (Canibaal 2017) is professor of the Master’s Degree in Radio which is organised together by the UCM and RNE. Throughout his career, he has directed specialised programmes in cinema information such as ‘De Cine’ in Radio 1, ‘El otro cine es posible’ in Radio 5 or the already mentioned ‘El séptimo vicio’ in Radio 3. The last one was awarded in 2000 with the Premio de la Crítica. Moreover, he has collaborated with El Ojo Crítico, Academia, Cinemanía and Kane 3.

Apart from the author and the co-authors Ximo Rochera and Jesús García Cívico, to the book presentation, it will attend Antonio Ariño, vice-principal for Culture and Equality and Begonya Pozo, vice-dean and responsible of Culture and Equity of the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication.

Then, in the framework of the activities of the Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives, the author, Javier Tolentino, will give the seminar: ‘Disculpen que les hable de la radio. Hacia un nuevo lenguaje periodístico de la nueva radio’ (Sorry for talking about the radio. Towards a new journalistic language of the new radio). The seminar is free but the registration is required: