Juanma Pérez exposes “Bosquera, geography and stories of a place”

  • January 25th, 2017
Juanma Pérez exposes “Bosquera, geography and stories of a place”

The Rector Peset Hall of Residence of the UV houses on 26 March the exhibition “Forest, geography and stories of a place” of Juanma Pérez. The sample will be exhibit at the Sala de la Muralla from 11:00 to 19:30, from Tuesday until Sunday. Through this exhibition, half history, half art, the author invites the viewer to travel in time and space, to dive the orography of one of the most surprising places of Sierra de Espadán, el Valle de Mosquera.

The viewer will discover not only extraordinary nooks, but also captivating personal experiences like the one of Martín Castro, that will see the light with the edition of his unpublished writings and drawings. This exhibition sets the route on the map: Bosquera.

Between 1915 and 1916, a character called Martín Castro felt such a huge fascination for this place that he decided to spend an entire year away from the noise Barcelona, where he resided. The revelation of his drawings, photographs and other unpublished materials has allow the artist, Juanma Pérez, to enter the thickness of an especial forest and a singular personal story with great literary and artistic value which could even stimulate the controversial adventure of Walden by Henry D. Thoreau. The artist, in his peculiar research, has followed the footsteps of Castro, forming an exhibition in which photography, landscape painting, personal archaeology, recovery and valorisation of artistic objects guide the viewer to make him fall in love with a place: Mosquera is the real name.

Juanma Pérez has made more than thirty individual exhibitions in art galleries of Valencia, Palma de Mallorca, Colonia, Bad Honnef, among others, in 2011 he already presented the exhibition “Pessoa” in the Rector Peset Hall of Residence.

This project has counted with the collaboration of  Pedro M. Cabezos, professor of Architectural Graphic Expression Departments of Universitat Politècnica de València and member of the Bandaàparte publisher, that will published “Cuadernos de campo de Martín Castro” on account of the exhibition.