The Institute of International Economics and the Foundation València Port research on the future of the European transport

  • Tarongers Institutes Support Unit
  • September 24th, 2018
Imagen de un barco de contenedores

The Institute of International Economics (IEI) and the Foundation València Port research on the future of the transport sector alongside with other 19 partners that are integrated in the project Skillful, which has received €2 million of the European Union. On 24th and 25th September, the 4th plenary meeting of the project will be ender by the IEI director, Amparo Cervera, in the head office of the Foundation València Port.

The project Skillful was approved in the framework of the European programme Horizon 2020. It lasts for three years and aims to identify the abilities and competences that are necessary in three different temporal frames (2020, 2030 y 2050) as well as to define the tools and methods to train them. 

The transport sector employs more than 10 million people in the European Union. According to the professor and researcher María Feo, “the transport is an economic segment that develops, changes and is highly influenced by automation, electrification and ecology. Therefore, it faces staffing difficulties in different areas with qualified and appropriate personnel. This makes necessary to change the training and educational contents, curricula, tools and methodologies. Lifelong learning should be also incorporated for professionals in all transport areas.”

An experimental educational course is currently being implemented. It might cover the future educational necessities of the transport sector. The project aims to revise critically the training requirements, the knowledge as well as the current, emerging and future abilities that the workers of the sector will need. They will give special consideration to the competences required by the large changes that are expected in the sector, such as electrification and automation. They also intend to structure the curricula, the training courses and the characteristics that they will need to fulfil optimally the necessary competences and requirements. They will pay a special attention to the multidisciplinary training and educational programmes and to the identification and proposal of new trading functions linked to education and training.

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