La Nau hosts a debate on the situation of the Sahrawi people

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • February 22nd, 2019
Imagen de la noticia

This month is the 43rd anniversary of the exile, diaspora and resistance of the Sahrawi people. For this reason, La Nau will host on Tuesday, February 26th, at 19:00, a debate called '‘43 anys de la RASD: construcció de l'estat sahrauí’, in which there will be an explanation of situation of the Sahrawi people, who are still waiting for a non-violent solution.

The debate will take place at the Aula Seminari and will be organised in three parts. During the first part, which is in the charge of the representative of the Front Polisario of Valencia, Alali Emboiric, there will be an exhibition of the Sahrawi conflict from a political point of view. There will also be an intervention by the director of the Human Rights Institute at the Universitat de València, Javier de Lucas, who will talk about the human rights at Western Sahara. The lawyer of the Comissió d’Ajuda al Refugiat País Valencià (CEAR-PV) and founding member of the Associació Professional d’Advocats Sahrauís a Espanya (APRASE), Hassina Mohamed, will also participate by debating about the plundering of natural resources in the Sahara. Esjaba Messoud ElGadi, Sahrawi activist and Law and Political Sciencies student at the UV will be the moderator.

During the second part, there will be interventions by the political parties that form the Intergrup pel Sàhara de les Corts Valencianes. They will take part in a round table where they will be able to present their commitment to the Sahrawi people. Finally, Vicent García Devís will present his own book El Sàhara, la terra promesa, published by the Institució Alfons el Magnànim-Centre Valencià d’Estudis i d’Investigació.

This activity has free admission while seats are available and has been organised by the Fòrum Debats, the recently created Valencian Solidarity with the Sahrawi People Platform of the Valencian Country, the Associations Federation of Solidarity with the Sahrawi People of the Valencian Countr, the Front Polisario Delegation in Valencia and the Sahrawi Association of Valencia, València Zemmur.