La Nau holds 1st International Congress of Digital Humanities and Cultural Pedagogies

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • November 6th, 2019
Cartell de les jornades.
Cartell de les jornades.

From 7 to 8 November, the Centre Cultural La Nau of Universitat de València will hold the 1st International Congress of Digital Humanities and Cultural Pedagogies, that will be open by the Principal Mª Vicenta Mestre. The concepts of “pedagogy”, “humanities” and “digitization” meet for the first time, which determine new fields of action, as much as academic level to another technologic, economic, cultural, educative and social perspectives.

Digitization is changing the society and, thus, to ourselves as social individuals. This technologic development not only has the capacity of allowing “to do things”, but also of “learning to think with that way of doing things”. We do so much digitally, but also we develop digitalized ways of thinking. This congress will try to discover what happens when the humanities and the pedagogy gain a digital status.

The 1st International Congress of Digital Humanities and Cultural Pedagogies is an interdisciplinary debate space among digital humanities and cultural pedagogy in order to identify meeting points, dilemmas and common challenges, evaluating the impact and the future of digital humanities in the research and analysing the tendencies in the cultural field. In this way, it will unravel the educative dimension of the digital humanities, formulating what implies to pedagogy the dematerialisation of the cultural heritage, and what educative emergent aspects can be found.

Renowned specialists speakers, from five different countries, participate in the congress and there will be representatives from several Spanish universities where they promote this kind of researches: Álvaro Baraibar Echeverría (UPN.  General Director of Peace, Cohabitation and Human Rights of Navarra Government), Juana María Sancho Gil (UB), Everson Melquíades (UFEP, Brasil), Esteban Romero Frías (UGR), María José Gómez Aguilella (VIU), Alba Ambrós (UB), Chiara Panciroli (UBO, Italy), Juanfran Jiménez Alcázar (UMU), Amparo Alonso (UV), Delma Rodríguez (MURE, Uruguay), Fernando Hernández (UB), María Vidagañ (Unizar), Cristóbal Suárez (UV), Ana María González Ramos (UOC), Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras (UC3), Rosabel Roig (UA), Fernando Miranda (Udelar Uruguay), Joao Paulo Queiroz (ULisboa, Portugal), Nuria Rodríguez Ortega (UMA).

The congress is organised by CREARI Grup de Recerca en Pedagogies Culturals (GIUV2013-103) (Research Group of Cultural Pedagogies). On the other hand, in this project collaborate different public and private organisations: Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government), Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura, Esports i Investigació (Valencian Ministry Department of Education, Culture, Sports and Research); Vicerectorat de Cultura i Esport de la Universitat de València – La Nau (Office of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport of Universitat de València-La Nau); Institut de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives (University Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation); AVALEM Associació Valenciana d’Educadors de Museus i Patrimonis (Valencian Association of Museum and Heritage Educators); ESAT Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología de Valencia (School of Art and Technology); ArtyHum Revista Digital de Artes y Humanidades (UVA) (Digital Magazine of Arts and Humanities);  Aula de Innovación Educativa (Graó) (Educative Innovation’s Classroom); Caracteres Magazine. Cultural and Critical Studies of the digital sphere (USAL); REIRE Revista d’Innovació i Recerca en Educació (UB) (Magazine of Innovation and Research for Education); TE Temps d’Educació (UB) (Education Times) y EARI Educación Artística Revista de Investigación (Artistic Education Research Magazine).