La Nau hosts a colloquium on the situation of women through the latest book by Emili Marín

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • May 10th, 2022
Emili Marín.
Emili Marín.

The European School of Thought Lluís Vives of the office of the vice-principal for Culture and Society (UV) hosted a colloquium on the occasion of the launch of the book ‘Elogio de lo Vertical. El hombre como complemento imperfecto de la mujer’, by Emili Marín. In this book, the author intends to laud women and to vindicate their social potential.

The event, incuded in the set of conferences ‘Fòrum de Debats’, was presented by the author of the book. Among the participants were also Ester Alba, vice-principal for Culture and Society; Nines Pastor, retired Latin and Literature professor; and Carmen Arjona, trade unionist and politician. The title of the book references the collection of erotic books named ‘La sonrisa Vertical’ (‘The Vertical Smile’), promoted and edited by the filmmaker García Berlanga. The author wanted to make an allusion to him and took advantage of this metaphor to refer to the organic differeces between men and women.

Throughout the 25 chapters of his book, Emili Martí intends to capture the situation of women in different cultures and time periods under a critical gaze, and he concludes it with a compilation of women that have had a determinant role in the fight against social discrimination.

The on-site conference will be available at the La Nau YouTube channel.

The European School of Thinking Lluís Vives is a cultural project promoted by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality of the UV, with the management of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València. It if configured as a space for reflection and participatory and critical debate about current issues. In the School there are other participants from the public administration and civil society, such as the Presidency of the Generalitat; the City Council of València; the Transparency, Education and Research, Culture and Sport departments; the Valencian Academy of Language; the Alfons el Magnànim Insitution; and Caixa Popular.

Emili Marín

Emili J. Marín y Soriano (Alcoy, 1940) is a priest, writer and editor who is a culture enthusiast. He was a member of the Consell Valencià de Cultura between 1993 and 1998, replacing Joan Fuster. During this period, Marín had an important role in the creation of the ‘Saó’ magazine, which he directed from 1987 to 1998. Due to his history as a contributor to Valencian culture, he was named adoptive son of Valencia in 2017.

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