La Nau hosts a conference by the judge Pablo Ruz in the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day

  • December 15th, 2016
Pablo Ruz

La Nau hosts a conference by the judge Pablo Ruz in the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day. The conference will take place in the Assembly hall, at 18:30 hours and it is organised by the Valencian Department of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation with the collaboration of the UV.

The judge and former magistrate of the National Audience Pablo Ruz will offer the lecture «La investigación de las causas de corrupción» (The investigation of corruption cases) in the framework of the“Forum for public ethics and democracy”.

The judge and former magistrate Ruz will talk about the main problems that magistrates have to face in the inquiry of these kind of cases, proposals or necessity of procedural reform, from a practical approach. The vice-principal of the Consell Mónica Oltra will be in charge of presenting and welcoming the judge Pablo Ruz in the Assembly hall.

The judge Pablo Ruz received his Law Degree by the Universidad Pontificia Comillas in 1998 and he started his judicial career in May 2003. He began in the bench, first in the Juzgado de Primera Instancia e Instrucción number 3 of Navalcarnero (Madrid), and two years and a half later in the court number 4 of the same town.

In April 2008 he temporarily replaced Juan del Olmo (investigating judge of the summary of the 11-M) and, among other decisions, he ordered the eludible prison sentence on bail of three million euros of the ex urban adviser of the Marbell City Council, Juan Antonio Roca. Subsequently, he passed to the Jurzgado de Primera Instancia number 5 of Collado Villalba, in Madrid.

He belongs to the platform called Otro Derecho Penal es Posible (A different Criminal Law is possible), comprised of Spanish progressive jurists. The Standing Commission of the General Council of the Judiciary (by the Spanish acronym CGDJ) unanimously named him ad interim for the Juzgado Central de Instrucción number 5 of the National Audience in 2010. He has been examining judge of the Bárcenas, Gürtel and Rumassa affairs. In April 2005 he was replaced as head of the Court by José de la Mata, going back to the Court number four of Móstoles, of which he is the incumbent judge.