The Lifelong Learning Service and Educational Innovation has opened registration for the training plan activities aimed at the staff of the University of Valencia (Ongoing Training) 2021

  • Office of the Principal
  • February 23rd, 2021
The Lifelong Learning Service and Educational Innovation has opened registration for the training plan activities aimed at the staff of the University of Valencia (Ongoing Training) 2021
Photo from image bank.

The Office of the Vice-principal for Employment and Training Services has announced the beginning of the registration for the training activities aimed at the university’s PAS (administrative and service staff) and PDI (teaching and research staff). The registration period lasts from the 24th of February to the 15th of March of 2021.

The Office of the Vice-principal for Employment and Training Services, through the Lifelong Learning Service and Educational Innovation (SFPIE), has announced the beginning of the registration for the training plan activities aimed at the administrative and service staff and the teaching and research staff (Ongoing Training).

Registration for the second phase will remain open from 10 a.m. on the 24th of February until 2 p.m. on the 15th of March of 2021 for a total of 123 editions of activities in the fields of legislation and proceedings; computer tools and apps; management and communication skills; teacher training; research; equality, diversity and sustainability; and occupational risk prevention.

Given the health crisis situation, a large number of the activities will be carried out online, both synchronously and asynchronously. Specific and detailed information on each activity can be found on the corresponding file published on the CEQ (Centre for Education and Quality) website.

The call for this plan of the University of Valencia is implemented through the Valencian Institute of Public Administration and is published annually on the Official Journal of the Valencian Country by resolution of the General Directorate for Civil Service. The resolution announces the training plan activities for the staff of the Valencian government and includes the plans promoted by the University of Valencia and the rest of Valencian public universities.

More detailed information on the content, modality and calendar of the training activities, as well as registration, is available at the following web page: