The magazine Mètode publishes “Estimats volcans”, a book that addresses the interior of the Earth

  • Mètode
  • May 29th, 2018
Estimats volcans de la revista Mètode

The book is edited by the dissemination magazine of the Universitat de València and analysis the origins of volcanos and their effects.

The magazine Mètode of the Universitat de València publishes a book that addresses Volcanology, which is one of the natural phenomena that have a higher repercussion on the Earth. Estimats volcans. El vulcanisme, del Pacífic a la Garrotxa, makes an in-depth analysis of the origins of volcanos and their effects: from the origin of magmas and their physical properties, covering the types of volcanic activity and the resulting geological products of the eruptions, to the different impacts that volcanos can have on territories and populations, as well as the existing methods of assessment and risk prevention. Estimats volcans includes a chapter that explores the Catalan region la Garrotxa, which is one of the most interesting volcanic locations in continental Europe.

The monography is signed by the expert in volcanic risks Arnau Folch i Duran, the geologist and expert in volcanos Joan Martí i Molist, and the geologist and expert in land management Llorenç Planagumà i Guàrdia. The inner and cover illustrations are work of Juan Olivares. The monography also counted with the collaboration of the Natural Park of the Volcanic Area of la Garrotxa. Its Documentation Centre ceded images, documentary support and a text of the director of the park Francesc Xavier Puig reflecting on the future of the park.  The City Council of Olot, by means of its Institute of Culture, and the Scientific Culture Unit of the Universitat de València have also participated in this edition of the book. It will serve readers to understand volcanos better, no matter is they are close or in the other edge of the world.

La Garrotxa, volcanic soil

Volcanism has not only affected the landscape of the Catalan region la Garrotxa, but also the life of its inhabitants. Estimats volcans devotes one chapter to this volcanic area and provides a concise summary on the most characteristic geological, landscape and socioeconomic features of the region. The book also provides an historical tour through the vindications that resulted in the creation of the current Natural Park of the Volcanic Area of la Garrotxa. They cover the civil demonstration movement in the 70’s “Salvem els volcans!” and the legislative tools that provided special protection to la Garrotxa volcanos.

A new title of “Monografies Mètode

Estimats volcans. El vulcanisme, del Pacífic a la Garrotxa is part of the collection “Monografies Mètode, which is a series of dissemination books that started in 2005 and a volume dedicated to Albert Einstein. Estimats volcans is the ninth piece of the collection, which counts with a very wide variety of works and themes. All of them intend to get science closer to the public in a rigorous and attractive manner.

You can purchase Estimats volcans in the website Publicacions de la Universitat de València.

You can read a fragment of Estimats volcans here
