The medal of the University will be awarded to the researchers Julia Sevilla, Carmen Valls-Llobet and María Victoria del Barrio

  • Press Office
  • July 11th, 2018
Julia Sevilla, Carmen Valls-Llobet, María Victoria del Barrio.
Julia Sevilla, Carmen Valls-Llobet, María Victoria del Barrio.

Julia Sevilla (jurist), Carmen Valls-Llobet (doctor) and María Victoria del Barrio (psychologist) will receive the Medal of the Universitat de València. The Governing Council of the academic institution decided to Award them on Tuesday 10 of July. The Vice-principal for Economics and Infrastructures, Juan Luis Gandía, informed about the restoration of the Lluís Vives Hall of Residence.

New members have joined the Governing Council (Paula Sala, Mercedes Elizalde y Mavi Alandi) and the new representatives of the Social Council have been chosen (Jesús Olavarría, Carles Xavier López y Mercedes Elizalde). The Governing Council has also decided to hire and extend the contracts of honoured professors.

Julia Sevilla
Julia Sevilla graduated in Law at the Universitat de València in 1962. She has been a professor of the Department of Constitutional Law, Political and Administrative Sciences since 1980. She reduced her lecturing hours in 1983 because she was designated the position of lawyer of the Valencian Courts.
She founded and headed the Federation of Progressive Women of the Valencian Community. She has also been a member of the Federación Española del Lobby Europeo de Mujeres (CELEM) and founder and president of the Constitutional Law Feminist Network. She focused her research in the political participation of women, gender discrimination and equal representation of genders.

She was pioneer in applying gender perspective in constitutional studies. Her research was essential in the conceptualization of gender as a category for Constitutional analysis so that the society can be more plural, democratic and equalitarian.

Carmen Valls-Llobet
Carmen Valls-Llobet has been the director of the programme “Women, Health and Quality of life” in the Centre for Analysis and Health Programmes (CAPS) of Catalonia. She is also the Vice-president of this scientific NGO that has as an objective to research gender differences in the area of healthcare and ease women’s access to information and resources to improve their conditions of life. She was a representative of the Catalan Parliament between 1999 and 2006. She is the President of the Foundation Catalunya, segle XXI.

She is a master’s degree professor in several Spanish universities (Barcelona, Complutense, Autónoma de Madrid and Lleida). She is also a postgraduate professor in the University of Barcelona and the Institute Carlos III of Madrid.

She was in charge of a workshop intended for teaching and researching personnel (PDI) in the area of health sciences in 2015. It addressed the analysis of gender in medical research. She has also lectured several conferences on women’s health.

The doctor Valls-Llobet was one of the first to consider the differences in the mortality rates between men and women. She was a member of the international movement of researchers that promoted in 1990s the inclusion of women in clinical trials and the application of the scientific rigour in the study of the most common health problems among women.

María Victoria del Barrio
María Victoria del Barrio became a professor in the Faculty of Pedagogy, where she imparted Infant Psychopathology, in 1972.  In 1973, she joined the Psychology Section. The former director of the Department of Psychology, Francisco Secadas, assigned her to impart the following subjects: Biological Bases of the Behaviour, Adult Psychopathology, Psychology Assessment, Psychopathology of the Language and Infant Psychopathology.

The core of the Faculty lied in the professor Secadas, Carpintero, Seoane, Bernia and Pelechano. A group of young professors that gradually assumed the chairs of the subjects of Psychology was also part of the first core of the Faculty. The Faculty of Psychology of the Universitat de València was born from this first core of professors. Most of the current professors were Del Barrio’s students: Marisa García-Merita, Mavi Mestre, Ángeles Cerezo, Alicia Salvador, etc.

María Victoria del Barrio contributed to the organization of the first International Conference of Psychology that was celebrated in Alicante and counted with the presence of important figures such as Eysenck, Brengelman, Mahoney, Wolpi and Rodríguez-Delgado.

In addition, she took part in two important projects of Applied Psychology. On the one hand, she was the first female psychologist that started to collaborate in the Provincial Hospital. She established the basis to the psychologists for infant clinical interventions in behavioural sciences. On the other hand, she made an important contribution, alongside with the members of the board such as professor Peiro, to the creation of the Local Office of Torrent for School Assistance.

New university titles
The Governing Council has also approved new titles that will be imparted in the university next year. They have been presented by the Vice-principal for Studies and Linguistic Policies, Isabel Vázquez. The new titles are University Expert in Cultural Heritage Protection; Certificate in Identification, Prevention and Intervention for Crimes and Emergencies in Archives and Libraries, Certificate in Identification, Prevention and Intervention for Crimes and Emergencies in Museums and Galleries, Certificate in Identification, Prevention and Intervention for Crimes and Emergencies in Real Estate Properties; Certificate in Identification, Prevention and Intervention for crimes and emergencies in Archaeological Heritage, Master’s Degree PERMEA (Experimental Programme in Mediation and Education through Art); Expert in Children and Adolescents at Risk, Master’s Degree in Security and Human Rights, Ibero-american Master’s Degree in Sports management.

Lluís Vives
The Vice-Principal for Economics and Infrastructures, Juan Luis Gandía, informed about the restoration of the Lluís Vives Hall of Residence. The tender of the project will be organised in the following weeks and might be conducted in the first trimester of 2019, so that the restoration could begin in the third trimester.

The building will no longer be a hall of residence, but will host the Student Services. The section of grants, the student’s associations and the General Assembly of Students (AGE) will be located at the ground floor. Cultural activities will take place in this floor, too. The Students’ Service and the SeDi (Information and Promotion Service) will be located in the first floor. The International Relations Service and the Doctoral School will be placed in the second floor. The Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre (OPAL) will be located in the third floor. The Ombuds Office will be located in the fourth floor.

Institutional condolences
The Principal has expressed in her report her institutional condolences to the members of the university community who have recently died. It is the case of the professor of the Department of Statistics and Operative Research, José Manuel Tamarit; the architect and former chief of the Technical Unit of the University, Antonio Escario; and the master’s degree student in Social Economy and graduate of the Faculty of Economics, Jaime Utrillas. He was the president of the Valencian Platform for People with Physical Disabilities (CODIFIVA) and died in a traffic accident.