Meeting of mayors of the Unisocietat programme

  • Office of the Principal
  • December 11th, 2018

The Principal of the Universitat de València, Mª Vicenta Mestre, and the Vice-principal of Territorial Projection and Society, Jorge Hermosilla, have received at the Office of the Principal the members of the town councils that are part of the programme University and Society (Unisocietat).

A large number of representatives attended the event organised by the Principal of the Universitat. The First Deputy Mayor of the City Council of Ontinyent, Rebeca Torró; the Mayor of Gandia, Diana Morant; the Councilman for Education of Benetússer, Ana Martín; and the Mayor of Ribarroja del Turia, Robert Raga; attended the event. Other representatives attending the event were the Councilman for Education of the Town Council of Bétera, Fernando Catarino; the Mayor of Alzira, Diego Gómez; the Deputy Mayor of the City Council of Paterna, José Manuel Mora; the Mayor of Massamagrell, Pep Galarza; and the Mayor, Carmen Martínez, and the Councilman of Education of Quart de Poblet, Cristina Mora; the Councilman of Education of Cullera, Silvia Roca; and the Councilmen of the City Council of L’Eliana, Eva Santafé and Enrique Martínez. Additionally, the representatives of Caja Popular, José María Company and Mar Mestre, attended the event.

The Vice-principal Jorge Hermosilla valued positively the role of Unisocietat, which is an example of strategic alliances between different institutions that do not forget the public service that they offer. In addition, Hermosilla highlighted that “Unisocietat proves the commitment of the Universitat with its territorial surroundings and answers to a necessity, as the 85% of the registered students finish the programme.

The Principal of the University, Mª Vicenta Mestre, pointed out that programmes like Unisocietat perfectly display one of the objectives of the Universitat: the transparency of knowledge and the value of living in society. “We need to get closer to the people who want to train themselves but cannot due to long distances. Unisocietat answers to this necessity”, the Principal said.

The data prove the growth and consolidation of Unisocietat. It had only one Head Office located in Gandia and 200 students registered to the programmed in 2010. Currently, Unisocietat has 12 offices in 8 Valencian regions and over 1,800 students and 200 professors.  


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