NASA rewards Belén Franch for her work in Remote Sensing

  • Press Office
  • October 26th, 2018
Belén Franch.
Belén Franch.

Belén Franch, University of Valencia graduate and professor of a master's degree at the same institution has been awarded by NASA with a medal of honour. Franch works as an associate scientist for the aerospace agency and, since 2013, is a professor at the University of Maryland.

Belén Franch is Professor of the Master in Remote Sensing in the Department of Earth Physics and Thermodynamics (Faculty of Physics) of the University.

This prestigious NASA medal is awarded to employees with unusual and significant performance during the first 10 years of their career. The recognition demonstrates a significant contribution in the discipline area of ​​the laureate that directly contributes to the mission and objectives of NASA.

Belén Franch received her Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Valencia in 2013. Since then, she works as a science collaborator at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and as a research professor associated with the University of Maryland.

From 2007 to 2009 she was hired by the Universitat de València for different pre-doctoral projects funded by the European Union (EU) and the European Space Agency (ESA). She was granted a FPI grant from the Ministry of Science and Innovation from 2009 to 2013.

She has participated in 33 articles in SCI journals (17 in Q1 journals), 2 book chapters, 12 technical reports, a user guide for NASA, an ATBD for NASA and 63 international conferences. She has an index of 15 in Google Scholar with 773 citations and 10 manuscripts with more than 30 citations.

Since 2014 she has led a four-person team consisting of a postdoc, a research assistant and two doctoral students.