Nau Social: open call to sign up for the art workshops for children from 10 to 12 years old

  • UV General Foundation
  • November 12th, 2019
Fotografia d'arxiu del projecte Art i Ment del 2018.
Fotografia d'arxiu del projecte Art i Ment del 2018.

The Fundació General of Universitat de València has opened the call to sign up for the art workshops for children among 10-12 years old, in the context of the Nau Social programme, which in the last two academic courses developed the project ‘Art i Ment’. This year, the challenges of the programme are working and consolidating the concentration, motivation and manual dexterity of children.

The Nau Social programme is leaded by Laboratori d’Experiència Estètica i Integració Social of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Sports of Universitat de València, which this course is created hand in hand of the Master’s Degree in Psychological Intervention in the Social Environment (MIPAS), of the IDECART (Institute for Research and Development of Creation and Art therapy Processes) and Art Therapy Master’s Degree of the UPV, with the support of Fundació General of Universitat de València and Caixa Popular.

The laboratory wants to continue the Nau Social programme that in the last two academic courses developed the ‘Art i Ment’ project. Through music and art’s workshops, they got satisfying results of the marked goals. Concentration, motivation and manual dexterity are some of the challenges for the course 2019/2020. This edition is for children from 10 to 12 years old.

The programme of the art workshops starts on Tuesday, 12 November, at Centre Cultural La Nau (Aula Seminario), at 5:30 p.m., and the registration period (free of charge) remains open until 11 November through

The required documentation to fill in the registration process can be presented in the office of Fundació General of UV (c/ Amadeo Saboya, 4) from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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