New training offer for employment in entrepreneurship, transversal skills and competences, digitalisation and social networks

  • UV General Foundation
  • January 13th, 2022
Competències digitals.
Competències digitals.

The Universitat de València, through UVjob, has published the new offer of training courses for employment, which will be taught from 31st January to 4th July 2022 in online mode and includes twenty training proposals on entrepreneurship, soft skills or transversal skills and competences, digitalisation and social networks.

This is an offer designed within the framework of the activities organised by the Vice-principal for Employment and Training Programmes, led by Professor Adela Valero, to promote and improve the employability of students and graduates of the UV.

The University's employment service, which is part of the General Foundation UV, has conceived this programme with the main objectives of promoting, encouraging and accelerating the professional integration of university students, as well as providing the tools and knowledge required to start up their own business project through training in entrepreneurship and the creation of business plans.

In short, the new offer, which includes both consolidated and recently created courses, aims, on the one hand, to improve the professional careers of graduates and, on the other, to complete their training and that of current students through the acquisition of basic skills that favour successful integration into labour market.

The training offer

Among the 20 courses, the most recent ones will be maintained: "Essential digital skills for employability" which will help students to optimise the use of digital tools and applications to be more effective in the development of professional activity; "Intercultural skills for employability: strategies for adaptation"; "Personal branding and job search through social networks"; "Financial education for employment and entrepreneurship for university students"; and "Design, development and presentation of the business plan".

Other established courses that will be repeated are "Strategies for employability: curriculum analysis and selection process", "Job search tools" and "Professional skills to perform effectively in the workplace". These courses are aimed at improving skills and the possibilities of finding employment through the preparation of a good curriculum vitae and the preparation of selection processes.

With more than 20 editions, the training courses "Communication and decision-making skills", "The success of entrepreneurship" and "Learn to become an entrepreneur" are also being relaunched.

All courses are recognised with ECTS credits and the certificate can be obtained by meeting the requirements for each course. The enrolment period has already started and will remain open until the beginning of each course.

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