The number of foreign women students grows 25% in the master’s degree courses of Valencian public universities

  • Press Office
  • November 27th, 2019
Alumnes estrangeres, en una imatge d'arxiu.
Alumnes estrangeres, en una imatge d'arxiu.

The commitment of Valencian public universities to attract foreign students in their process of internationalisation is succeeding, especially in the case of women, as shown by the latest data updated in SIUVP (Information System of Public Valencian Universities). The most recent figures on the platform, created by the Valencian public universities and the Valencian Institute of Economic Research (Ivie), reveal that the number of foreign women who decide to study in the Valencian public universities is higher than men, in both master’s and undergraduate degrees and it remains similar to men’s number in the case of doctoral studies.

In the academic year 2017/2018, the number of foreign women students enrolled in a master’s degree in one of the five Valencian public universities increased 24,7% as compared with the previous academic year, reaching a total of 1.613. For its part, the number of foreign students in this type of degree grew by 17% to 1,124 men. Women now represent 59% of all foreign students studying for a master's degree. In the case of undergraduate students, 3,212 foreign women were registered, 6.4% more than the previous year, as compared with 2,028 men from other countries (5.2% more).

The website, which collects information on the Universitat de València, the University of Alacant, Universitat Jaume I of Castelló, Miguel Hernández University of Elche and Universitat Politècnica de València, shows that, in the case of foreign doctoral students, the number of men grows above that of women, by 6.5% and 3.6%, respectively. However, in absolute figures, the number of students (1,246) and foreign students (1,214) is very similar, as well as their weight in the total number of doctoral students (26.6% in the case of women and 27.9% in the case of men).

Academic year 2017/2018


Foreign students

Total number of women students

Growth on previous year



6.0 %

6.4 %

Master’s Degree


18.9 %

24.7 %



26.6 %

3.6 %



9.0 %

10.1 %




As a whole, the percentage of foreign students grew at all levels during the academic year 2017/2018 as compared with the previous year, the increase in master’s degree students being particularly noteworthy. The number of master’s degree students from another country reached 2,737 persons, a figure that represents 16.9% of the total in the five universities analysed, and which represents a growth of 21.4% as compared with the previous academic year. In degree, the number of students has gone from 4,946 to 5,240 (an increase of 5.9%), while in doctoral studies, there have been 2,460 students, compared to 2,342 in the 2016/2017 academic year.


Academic year

Both genders

Foreign students

Total number of all students

Growth on previous year



5.3 %

5.9 %

Master’s Degree


16.9 %

21.4 %



27.2 %

5.0 %



8.4 %

7.7 %


The SIUVP platform collects regularly information about the Valencian public universities. The seventh update of SIUVP reviewed the information of 28 indicators of university access sections, students, internationalisation, human resources and academic performance. The website offers detailed information for each indicator in csv format.

The collected information in SIUVP ranges from purely academic aspects, such as the supply and demand for teaching, to more specific economic data on the resources and results of the activity of each university. Specifically, indicators grouped into the following fields:

• University access

• Students

• Academic performance

• Internationalisation

• Human Resources

• Research and transfer

• Economic data

All indicators can be found at

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