Open the registration period for the Orfeó Universitari de València

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • September 20th, 2017
The Orfeó Universitari de València
The Orfeó Universitari de València

The Orfeó Universitari de València has open the registration period for the entrance exams. The OUV is a high quality choir group that has already celebrated its 70th anniversary. Apart from enjoying the music interpretation of great authors, the members of the choir can obtain free-choice credits or ECTS credits, improve their music training or travel to take part in concerts.

The pre-registration can be made through this link to take part in the exams until the next 1st October.

The requirements to join the OUV are to be 18 years and to be enrolled in a university or to have studied music.

This year, OUV will organise several music projects: concerts with the Valencia Orchestra; the meeting with European choirs in Valencia promoted by the Erasmus+ programme; the Christmas concerts; the exchange with the Young Orchestra Hannover; the first performance of the OUV composer, Francisco Carbonell; the interdisciplinary project created from ‘Les noces’ of Stravinsky... Apart from the training aspect.