Pilar Barreto has been awarded with the Sanitarias Prize, which encourages the feminization within the Healthcare field

  • Press Office
  • March 23rd, 2018
Rosa Mª Redondo, Pilar Barreto, Mercedes Otero.
Rosa Mª Redondo, Pilar Barreto, Mercedes Otero.

Pilar Barreto Martín, who is a professor of Clinical Phycology at the Universitat de València, is one of the 16 women awarded with the Sanitarias Prize 2018. This Prize is promoted by Sanitaria 2000, a group that also edits the magazine “Redacción Médica”. Pilar Barreto has been awarded in the Psychology field.

According to the organizers, if there is a field in which feminization is validated, it is in the Health Services area. On the one hand, three quarters of workers in this field are women. On the other hand, the percentage of female employees in the Spanish labour market ranges 40 percent.  Even though this and other data show evidence of the feminization of the healthcare services, working conditions and responsibilities vary in this field depending on the genre. It is proven with two facts: the salaries and the presence of women in the directive boards. The award wants to put an end to this situation.

Pilar Barreto is the Vice-president of the Valencian Society of Palliative Medicine, too.  She received the Prize from Rosa Mª Redondo, the Vice-secretary of the Consejo General de la Psicología, and Mercedes Otero, the manager of the Sociedad Española de Médicos Generales y de Familia.