Presentation of a book about the history of the homes of the historic centre of Valencia, today in the Prinicpal Peset Hall of Residence

  • April 26th, 2016
Book about the History of housing

The Muralla hall of the Rector Peset Hall of Residence holds today Tuesday, 26 April, at 149:00, the presentation of the book ‘Centro histórico de Valencia. Ocho siglos de arquitectura residencial’, by Camilla Mileto and Fernando Vegas. The book presents, along around 950 pages, the material culture and the technology which is hided after the building of homes these last eight centuries.

The presentation, organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality, will be conducted by the vice-principal Antonio Ariño and David Sánchez, doctor in History of Art and Technician of Heritage of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València.

The book ‘Centro histórico de Valencia. Ocho siglos de arquitectura residencial’, with around 950 pages, is a substantial works formed by two volumes with 4.000 photos.  It is the result of lots of work years and several research projects about the history of the homes in the historic centre of Valencia, apart from monuments. It is focused on the material culture and in technology after the building along eight centuries, like tile walls, plasters, windows, carpentries, balconies, bars, interiors, decorations, pavements, vestibules, forges or covers. In the book are the indications, guidelines and Chrono-typologies which help the lector to identify the age and the style of these elements.

For the elaboration of this volume has been necessary a emptying of 10.000 expedients of buildings construction in Valencia since 18th century until 1940. This has allowed to conclude about the evolution of the home in this city and the gradual transformation of the urban image.

As a complement of the study, are added quotes or relates of hundreds of travellers, visitants and writers who described these elements of common homes like Jaume Roig, Joanot Martorell, Vicente Ferrer, Lluís Vives, Lope de Vega, Padre Sala, Victor Hugo, Prosper Merimée, Hans Christian Andersen, Blasco Ibáñez, Azorín, Antonio Machado or Hemingway, among others.