The principal starts the XII Jornadas de Defensa del Instituto de Derechos Humanos (12th Defence of the Human’s Rights Institute Conference)

  • Tarongers Institutes Support Unit
  • October 11th, 2019
Avió de combat
Flickr / Ejército del Aire, Ministerio de Defensa / Coronel José Francisco Terol Albert

The principal, María Vicenta Mestre, starts on Monday 14th October at 10:30 the XII Jornadas de Seguridad y Defensa organised by Instituto de Derechos Humanos of the Universitat de València (IDH-UV) within the Ministerio de Defensa (Spanish Ministry of Defence)-Academic Institution agreement.

The closing meeting  (on Tuesday 7:30 pm) will be carried out by the Commander Lieutenant General of Cuartel General Terrestre de Alta Disponibilidad (CGTAD) (High Readiness Land Headquarters Battalion), Francisco Javier Gan Pampols, who will analysed the Spain’s contribution to the Europe’s defence.

The conferences take place in the Saló de Graus in the Faculty of Law (Tarongers Campus). In the opening meeting, the principal is accompanied by Rafael Morenza, delegate of Defence in the Valencian Community; Francisco Javier Palao, dean of the Faculty of Law; Amador Enseñat, General of the Mando de Adiestramiento y Doctrina (MADOC) (Training & Indoctrination Command); and Consuelo Ramón, director of the conference and IDH-UV.

The title of this edition is: “La defensa: element estratégico esencial para la garantía de la seguridad” (Defence: an essential strategic element for the guarantee of security). During the conferences, explained the organisers, will take place the examination of principal elements that define the National Safety Strategy and the National Defence Directive. “Professors, researchers and professionals of Armed Forces will go into detail about the importance of the defence strategy in prevention and fight against the main risks and threats that Spain and EU countries deal with, first of all keeping the rights of the citizens”, pointed out.

These conferences take part in the development of two research projects, directed by professor Consuelo Ramón, PROMETEO/2018/156 (research academic programme), “Seguridad internacional y europea: de la prevención de conflictos armados a las estrategias para la construcción de una ciudadanía inclusive y plural” (International and European Safety: from armed conflicts to strategies for building an inclusive and plural citizenship), financed by Valencian Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sport; and the Spanish Ministry project DER2017-86861-R, State Programme of Research, Development and Innovation Aimed to Society Challenges, entitled: Prioridades en la revision de la estrategia global y europea de seguridad: La seguridad preventive y el test de la gestión de la presencia de colectivos de riesgo (Priorities in the revision of the global and European safety strategy: Preventive safety and the test of the management of the presence of risk groups).  

Created in 2005, the Human Rights’ Institute (IDH) of the Universitat de València received from the Spanish Ministry of Education the Honour for its programme of Doctoral Studies in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice. The IDH takes part in project Consolider where twelve research groups from different Spanish universities, coordinated by Instituto de Derechos Humanos Bartolomé de las Casas of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

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