The professor Jorge Cardona has been elected new member of the Institut de Droit International

  • Press Office
  • September 7th, 2017
Jorge Cardona

The full university professor of Public International Law, Jorge Cardona, has been elected new member of the Institut de Droit International (IDI). It was founded in 1873 and it is an independent institution whose main purpose is to contribute to the development of the international law and act so that it might be implemented. It was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and it focuses on topics that regulate the work and decisions of the United Nations Security Council.

The appointment has taken place during the meeting that the Institute is celebrating between the 3rd and 10th September in the Nalsar University of Law, in India. This has been the first occasion in which almost 60 experts in international law from all over the world have gathered in Nalsar. The IDI focuses on topics that regulate the work and decisions of the United Nations Security Council, as well as legal problems resulting from the massive migration, disputes over investments and the law that regulates the temporary measures in the proceedings before courts, among other issues.

For several decades, the Institute has made a great contribution in the reformulation and review of the public and private international law. It worked in some United Nations fields such as the use of force, self-defence, environment, the human rights and the humanitarian international law. The work of the Institute is also remarkable in the fields of the coordination and unification of the private international law that regulates the private and commercial interests of individuals and corporations that entail law conflicts due to multiple and sometimes controversial jurisdictions.

The Institut de Droit International is the most prestigious scientific institution of International Law in the world. It was founded in 1873 and it is an independent institution whose main purpose is to contribute to the development of international law and act so that it might be implemented. It was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of its action in favour of arbitration among States, a peaceful means of settling disputes. It is made up by a maximum of 132 members who are elected from among people of different nationalities and who have worked in the field of international law, both in the theoretical or practical scope. The IDI members are the ones who elect the new members who work there permanently until they are 80. Adolfo Miaja de la Muela, full university professor of the Universitat de València between 1957 and 1978 was also member of the IDI.

Jorge Cardona, who was awarded with the special prize for the degree and the doctoral studies of the Universitat de Valencia, is full university professor of International Public Law since 1993 and member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations since 2011.