The Radio programme of the regional channel À punt ‘Territori Sonor’, live from the Audiovisual Workshop Aula in the World Radio Day

  • Press Office
  • February 15th, 2019
Participants en el programa, amb Amàlia Garrigós.
Participants en el programa, amb Amàlia Garrigós.

On the occasion of the World Radio Day, the show of the regional channel ‘À Punt’ on contemporary music ‘Territori Sonor’ took place in the Room 1 of the Audiovisual Workshop Aula (TAU) of the Universitat de València. Some students of the Degrees in Audiovisual Communication and in Journalism, and the official master’s degree in Audiovisual Contents and Formats, participated in the preparation of some sections of the programme.

They were responsible, among other things,  for preparing the introduction part of the programme, the music newsletter and the concert schedule with which the programme ended.  They were also the interviewers of the first bands which performed during the programme:  Senior and Chill Addicts. The third live performance was supervised by Joe Pask.

In the radio programme, hosted by Amàlia Garrigós, Miquel Francés, director of the TAU; Dolors Palau, lecturer in Journalism and vice-dean in Communication and Participation of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and  Communication; and Àlvar Peris, lecturer in the Degree in Audiovisual Communication and secretary in the Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences, were interviewed. This last one was also one of the coordinators of the event.

‘Territori Sonor’ is one of the most highlighted spaces of À Punt Ràdio, where Valencian musicians of all genres are the main characters.

The programme is available on this link.