The results of the pre-registration for the UV’s degrees are now available

  • July 14th, 2017

The results of the pre-registration for the UV’s degrees will be available today from noon here. Those admitted must attend an information session organised by the faculty where the degree in which they have been accepted is taught. Those who are not admitted must check the working of the waiting list.

The faculties and schools of the UV organise information sessions to welcome the students and provide them with basic information about the Universitat de València, the centre where they will study and the curriculum of the degrees. They also provide information to prepare the registration.

If the person admitted to start university studies cannot attend the information sessions there is the possibility of authorising another person to go in his place in order to get information about the basic data.

The calendar, the schedule and the place of the information sessions can be found on the website:

The development of the waiting list can be checked at: