The Romà de la Calle awards close the sessions on Research of Artistic Education

  • April 28th, 2016

On Friday the Romà de la Calle awards will be given to the boost of artistic education in museums, granted by the Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovations of the Universitat de València, founded by the full university professor of Education Theory Petra María Pérez and by the nowadays honorary professor Romà de la Calle, that will be giving the awards personally and he will give a lecture beforehand.

The event will be held at 18 hours at the IVAM and it will be the culmination of the VII International Sessions of Research in Artistic Education, that is organised every year the aforementioned research institute and that this edition are called ‘Informals, entorns per educar en arts’ (‘Informal, surroundings to educate in arts’).

In this first edition of the Premios Romà de la Calle awards, the prize in the museums modality has been given to the Valencian Ethnology Museum for its trajectory defending education at museums and for the support to the local museums network in matters of didactic museography.   In the individual modality, the award has been given to Aida Sánchez de Serdio, for her defence of critical pedagogy and the feminist aspect in research and practice of education in museums. And the award for the innovation group has been given to ‘Pedagogías Invisibles’ (‘Invisible Pedagogies’), an interdisciplinary group that bets on renovation in cultural and artistic topics, both in formal and informal fields.