Rosa Mª Bo Bonet has become the first female Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences

  • Press Office
  • March 13th, 2018
Rosa Mª Bo Bonet.
Rosa Mª Bo Bonet.

The Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the Universitat de València will have its first female dean. She is Rosa Mª Bo Bonet, a professor from the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education (MIDE). She obtained 27 votes in favour and blank vote among the members of the Faculty Board. She replaces Jesús Alcolea after two terms of office.

Bonet’s academic team is formed by Fernando Marhuenda (Vice-Dean of Institutional, International and Cultural Relations), Santiago Mengual (Research, Innovation and Quality) Mª Elena Cantarino (Studies and Academic Organization) and Irene Verde (Secretary of the Faculty). In addition, undergraduate’s Degree coordinators, Master’s Degree directors and Doctoral Studies coordinators will be included in her team.

Rosa Mª Bo Bonet has been teaching at the Universitat de València since 1994. She started working as an adjunct lecturer. She became a tenured professor in 2008. She was director of the Master’s Degree in Politics and Management of Educational Institutions since it was implemented in 2010.  She has been the director of the Master’s Degree in Psycho-pedagogy since it was stablished in 2011. She has also been secretary of the MIDE department from November 2005 to September 2009.

She was the Vice-Dean of International Relations of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences from February 2010 to March 2012. Then, she has been Vice-Dean of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies until now.

Rosa Mª Bo Bonet has been a member of the Governing Council and Teaching Staff for the last few years. She is also a member of the Doctoral Programme Academic Committee at the Universitat de València and a member of MIETIC (Research methods in Education and ICT).