The Sports Gala of the UV will bring together more than 400 athletes

  • October 14th, 2016
8th edition of the Sports Gala of the Universitat de València

The Physical Education and Sports Service of the Universitat de València is already getting ready to celebrate the 8th edition of the Sports Gala of the Universitat de València, the ceremony in which each year the university medallists are recognised.

The event will take place on 25 October at 18:30 in the assembly hall of the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication, in a ceremony presided by the principal of the Universitat, Esteban Morcillo, who will be accompanied by the vice-principal for Culture and Equality, Antonio Ariño, and by the director of the Physical Education and Sports Service, José Campos.

The objective of this event is to honour the best athletes in the different competitions that got significant merits through the last season in the sports and to introduce the university teams of the current season. Throughout the evening, a sports balance of the prior course will be carried out. This assessment will be positive since the good international results in the European University championships should be added to the medals got by the athletes in the different Spanish University championships.

In addition to recognising the successes of the athletes, this ceremony, of free entrance for all the people, will also serve as a presentation of the teams that will represent the Universitat de València each week in the regional university competition, the CADU (Regional University Sports Championship) and later, in the CEU (Spanish University Championships).