Suspension of university activities from Monday 16 March

  • Office of the Principal
  • March 12th, 2020
Fotografia de la reunió a la Sala de Juntes de Rectorat.
Photo of the meeting at the Boardroom of the Office of the Principal.

The Ministry of the Valencian government has agreed to suspend indefinitely the educational activities in the university community from this Monday 16 March. The Minister of Universities has announced the suspension of the teaching activity in the Valencian university system to prevent and restrain the spread of the COVID-19.

After the meeting hold today by the Emergency Committee and the deans and director of centres, union representation of workers and representatives of students in the government body and the Student Council Branch, they have agreed the maintenance of the academic and work calendar panned for next week.  

Consequently, from 16 to 20 March 2020 (both inclusive), there will be no activity at the Universitat de València under the same regime applicable to weekends and public holidays. 

The university activity will be resumed on 23 March, if no additional measures related to the evolution of the COVID-19 are taken in coordination with the authorities of the Valencian government competent in Public Health and Universities. 

The document of the analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 on the Universitat de València and the proposal of measures presented by the principal of the Universitat is available (in Valencian) in the following link: 

On the other hand, the Universitat de València remains in expectation of the decision of the Valencian government related to the suspension of the academic activities, in line with the measures of flexibility of the educational presentness announced by the Spanish government after the Council of Ministers on Thursday.