Unisocietat conferences in February: pensions, cybercrime or light pollution
10 conferences taught by professors of the Universitat de València will take place in February in several towns of la Ribera, l’Horta, el Camp de Túria, la Safor, la Meseta de Requena-Utiel and la Vall d’Albaida. This free event complements the academic course of Unisocietat. It is also accessible for the rest of society in each town and its surrounding areas.
This way academic formation is implemented throughout Unisocietat students’ life. It also invites citizens to join this university programme that during 2017-2018 course counts with more than 1500 students distributed among its ten offices.
These multidisciplinary talks given by professors of the Universitat de València show the wide variety of disciplines and scientific areas that are studied in the academic institution. The pension system, abuse, chauvinism, cybercrime, waste water purification, light pollution, the risks of pseudo-sciences, satirical press and the history of moriscos are some of the themes addressed during the conferences in February.
Unisocietat’s series of conferences will continue in a monthly basis until June. They are organized by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation in cooperation with the town councils of Alzira, Benetússer, Bétera, Cullera, la Eliana, Gandia, Massamagrell, Ontinyent, Paterna, Quart de Poblet and Requena. In addition, it receives financial support of Caixa Popular, Caixa Ontinyent (Ontinyent, la Vall d’Albaida) and Santander Bank (Gandia, la Safor).
10 conferences in February
The first conferences of February will take place on Wednesday 7. Professor Marisol Lila (Social Psychology) will lecture her presentation Pasado, presente y futuro de la depuración de las aguas residuales in assembly hall of the Council of Benetússer (Horta Sud). Professor Josep Ribes (Chemical engineering) will offer his conference Pasado, presente y futuro de la depuración de las aguas residuales in the Cultural Centre of Quart de Poblet (Horta Sud).
On the very same day, Professor José Cantó (Experimental and Social Sciences) will present El peligro de las pseudociencias: horóscopos, astrología y otras mentiras at the International Centre of Gandia (la Safor). Those who are interested in this issue will have a second chance to attend this conference on February 13 at the Cultural Centre of Alzira (Ribera Alta).
On the 8th of February, Professor Francesc Andreu Martínez (Theory of Languages and Communication Sciences) will offer the presentation La prensa satírica y la risa valencianna: una historia triste at the Cultural Space Feliciano A. Yeves in Requena (Meseta de Requena-Utiel).
On February 14, professor Ángel Morales (Analytical Chemistry) will address the conference Océanos de luz que nos ahogan at the Training Centre for Adult People of L’Eliana (Camp de Turia).
On Thursday 15, conferences will take place in Paterna, Massamagrell (Horta Nord) and Ontinyent (Vall d’Albaida). Paz Lloria (criminal law) will attend the Social Centre Campamento in Paterna, where she will present Delitos tecnológicos y redes sociales: la ciberdelincuencia. Meanwhile, Juan Francisco Pardo (Modern and Contemporary History) will go over the Historia de los moriscos at the Cultural Centre of Massamagrell. Professor Adoración Guamán (Labour Labour Law and Social Security) will focus her intervention in the pros and cons of the current Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Finally, on February 26, Professor Carlos Ochando (applied economics) will explain the last pension system reforms and its effects on equity and welfare at the Municipal Auditorium of Cullera (Ribera Baixa).
File in: Participació i Projecció Territorial , Universitat i Societat , Alzira , Massamagrell , Ontinyent , Requena , Quart de Poblet , Paterna , Bétera , Gandía , L'Eliana , Cullera , Benetússer