The Universitat celebrates 25 years of ‘Women’s History’ subject

  • Press Office
  • November 28th, 2019
Imatge del cartell
Imatge del cartell

The Faculty of Geography and History holds this Friday 29 an event to celebrate 25 years of ‘Women’s History’ subject. It will take place from 11.00 to 14.30 at Joan Fuster Assembly Hall, opened to students, Professors and general public. It will participate faculty Professors that represent various generations as well as former students of the subject.

It was in 1994 when the Universitat de València introduced for the first time in the former Spanish undergraduate degree of History the teaching of Women and Gender’s History. It was made as pioneer way and taking part in the first Spanish universities that did it.

The centre has been teaching this subject for more than two uninterrupted decades, through a subject that began as an elective and, after adapting to the successive changes in curricula, today it forms part of the History Degree as compulsory, integrated into the contents that all students -future historians and historians- have to follow.


The event, coordinated by the Professor Laura Guinot, will start at 11.00 with the opening conferences by Elena Hernández and Almudena Hernando.

At 12.00h there will be a roundtable entitled ‘Historia de las mujeres en la Universitat de València. De los orígenes a la actualidad.’ (Women’s History at Universitat de València. From the beginning up to the present) with Isabel Morant, Mónica Bolufer, Ana Aguado, Agustín Díez and Luz Sanfeliu.

The event will end at 13.00 with the roundtable ‘Experiencias y futuro de la Historia de las Mujeres’ (Experiences and future of Women’s History) with Laura Guinot, Carme Bernal, Alina Chirac and Gorka Gutiérrez.
