The Universitat de Tardor of Enguera tackles technology, healthy lifestyle and sports as revitalizing elements

  • Office of the Vice-Principal Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life
  • November 4th, 2019
Imagen de la noticia

The new edition of this seasonal university, an initiative of the Universitat de València, developed in collaboration with the City Council of Enguera and with the participation of the Valencian Provincial Council, tackles this week the development based on knowledge and the new technologies in this territory, under the title of ‘Enguera y su comarca. Nuevos retos sociales, económicos y educativos.’ (Enguera and its district. New social, economic and educative challenges).

The mayor of Enguera, Mª Matilde Marín, the Vice-principal of Territorial Projection and Society, Jorge Hermosilla; the co-ordinator of Universitat de Tardor of Enguera, Pedro Morillo; and the Principal of IES Enguera High School, Rafael Mollá, had pointed out on Monday the importance of bringing the knowledge closer to the public university of Enguera and its region, in the opening of the eighth edition, presented essentially to teenagers and pre-adolescent students, as well as to general public. All of them have highlighted the necessary coordination of the institutions and teachers of IES and its students for carrying out this initiative.

Pedro Morillo had pointed out that Universitat de Tardor of Enguera has been organised bearing in mind the topics of main interest for the high school students, who had chosen as course subjects technology, healthy lifestyle and sports. Mª Matilde Marín and Rafael Mollá had shown their satisfaction for considering that this seasonal university, which has eight editions, is fully strengthen and they have agreed on pointing out the importance of the fact that the main intended audience are these students, who will have to face the new challenges in the future.

On the other hand, Jorge Hermosilla, had highlighted the essential role of Universitat de València, as public univresity, in the knowledge transfer for the benefir of every territory bearing in mind the singularities of each. In this line, he had remembered that is the first researcher centre of the Valencian Community with approximately 4.000 specialized Professors in different fields; and it has an innovative character because the UV, with 520 years of history, benefits projects such as seasonal universities.

The new edition of this Universitat de Tardor will be developed during three days, until Wednesday, in three different places: Casa de la Cultura, IES and Pabellón Polideportivo Jaime Alegre.  Their aim is to tackle from the training the new ways of economic development, based on the knowledge and the new technologies progress, in Enguera and its district, Canal de Navarrés, traditionally rural.

The Universitat de València, in his commitment with the territory and thanks to the collaboration of Enguera’s City Council and the participation of the Diputació de València (Valencian Provincial Council), has organised this academic action, linked to the training, research and knowledge transfer, that pretend to consolidate in this town and district as meeting point of specialists in different fields with different age range citizens.

Previously to the open act, which has been held in the Assembly Hall of Casa de la Cultura, at 9:15 a.m., Pedro Pérez Soriano, from Department of Physical and Sports Education of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of UV, has talked about ‘Aplicaciones de la Biomecánica Deportiva’ (Applications of Sport Biomechanics) for first and second year BAC students of Sports field and general public.

After the opening act, at 12:10, José Miguel Soriano del Castillo, from Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Food Sciences, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine of the Faculty of Pharmacy of UV has talked about ‘Dietas peligrosas’ (Dangerous Diets), a topic specially thought for the students of Cooking and Services Course of healthy lifestyle module, and it is open to general public.

At 16:30 p.m. in the Pabellón Polideportivo Jaime Alegre, Mercè Balasch Bernat, from Department of Physiotherapy of Faculty of Physiotherapy of UV, has given a workshop entitled ‘Vida saludable y hábitos imprescindibles: fisioterapia y técnicas de masaje’ (Healthy lifestyle and essential habits: physiotherapy and massage tecnics), only for enrolled public.

On Tuesday, there will be two conferences that will take place in the Polideportivo for first year BAC students of Sports module and general public. At 9:45 a.m., Inmaculada Aparicio, who is superior specialist in Research of Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of UV, will talk about ‘Actividad física jóvenes/adultos. Deportes alternativos’ (Physical activity young/adult people. Alternative Sports).

At 11:30 a.m., Juan Antonio García López, sport specialist of Enguera’s City Council, and Nacho Tormo Conejero, coach of Boccia Selection, will tackled in ‘Deporte y salud en el deporte adaptado’ (Sports and Health in the adapted sport).

Then, at 12:45, Xavier García Massó, from Department of Teaching of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression of Faculty of Teacher Training of UV, will give a workshop about ‘APP Educativas y Habilidades docentes’ (Edcuative APPs and teaching abbilities). It will take place at IES and it is for the students of 4th ESO of technology module, but also open to the general public.

On Wednesday, at 9:45 a.m. Ana Botella Nicolás, from Department of Teaching of Musical, Visual and Corporal Expression of Faculty of Teacher Training of UV, and Amparo Hurtado Soler, from Department of Experimental and Social Sciences Teaching of Faculty of Teacher Training of UV, will give a conference about the topic: ‘Paisaje sonoro y música’ (Sound landscape and music), for 3rd ESO students of healthy lifestyle module and to the general public. It will be held in Sala de Usos Múltiples of IES Enguera.

At 12:10, at Salón de Actos of Casa de la Cultura, Cristina Portalés Ricart, superior specialist of Research of University Research Institute on Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (IRTIC) of UV will talk about ‘Profesiones del futuro’ (Future employments) for 2nd year BAC students of the technology module and to the general public.

About Seasonal Universities

The Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation, has, over the last few years, set up a network of seasonal universities a name derived from the fact that they focus their activities on the same season of the year — which offer an interesting programme of free days, aimed at citizens of all ages.

Nowadays, the network is made up of 12 universities, located in as many municipalities and distributed throughout the different regions of the province, both inland and along the coast. Each one of them develops its programmes around a monographic theme linked to its particular idiosyncrasy, history and culture, under the coordination of a specialist in the subject.

The network consists of Alzira (Environment); Xàtiva (Cultural, oenological and natural tourism); Ademuz (Landscapes of opportunity); Aras de los Olmos (New technologies, Astronomy and Development); Gandia (Laws of the World); Sagunt (Heritage of Humanity); Bunyol (Musical Heritage); Alaquàs (Analysis of the Castell-Palau d’Alaquàs); Llíria (Music, society and territory); Enguera (Rural development and new technologies); Ontinyent (Talent, opportunities and development); and L'Eliana (Smart city). Thanks to the collaboration of the Diputació de València (Valencian Provincial Council), the network will be made up of 20 sites in 2020.